






1. I'm Glad
2. Who Is Honest?
3. Headwork
4. A Mouse in the House
5. Tell Me When We Get There
6. Saving or Waste?
7. A Talkative Girl
8. The Golden Gate Bridge
9. Who Will Wh the Dishes?
l0. The Hat and the Bag
ll. Another Wrong Number
l2. Who Had Trouble with German?
13. A Stupid Question
l4. A Difficult Question to Answer
l5. Peter Was Late
16. Trouble with the Car
l7. A Dollar for a Picture
l8. Going to the Cinema
19. Work Is More Important Than Football
20. An Empty Leter
21. Faster Than the Thief
22. An lnteresting Answer
23. Who ls Silly?
24. Five Cents for a Life
25. Another Doctor for Me
26. A Clever Dog
27. The Sun ls Too Hot to Go to
28. Could He Repair the Watch?
29. The Right Place
30. A Poor Memory
3l. The Way to Choose a Barber
32. Why Does lt Rain on the Road Too?
33. l Did lt All Myself
34. Who Broke the Toy Horse?
35. A Good Place to Hide
36. Take the Wrong Medicine !
37. Big Ben
38. A Terrible Mistake
39. The Birth of an Island
40. The Hat Shop
4l. At the Cinema
42. ls NaPoleon Ⅲ?
43. A Writer Waiting for the Thief
44. Fire !
45. There Is No Doubt About lt
46. Ouch !
47. A Great Surprise
48. Don't Forget to Post the Letter
49. He Had to Move Out
50. Behave Like a Lady !
附录1 Glossary
附录2 Key to Exercises




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