G McArthur,P Leetch,P Etherton
《牛津英语教学参考:高1年级(第1学期)(S1A)(上海版)》主要包括课本(配2盒磁带),语法训练部分,练习部分,教学参考(内含参考答案)。《牛津英语教学参考:高1年级(第1学期)(S1A)(上海版)》外文书名:Oxford English Teachers Book S1A(Shanghai Edition)。
Aims of the courseThe course aims to enable students to developa functional competence in English that will be ofpractical value to them at school, for theirsubsequent careers and in their personal lives.In designing the course material, special attentionhas been paid to developing students activities tounderstand and evaluate what they read, to formopinions based on facts, and to communicate theirideas and opinions to others in speech and writingclearly, accurately and with confidence.Organization of Students BookSenior High 1AThe Students Book is divided into 6 chapters.Each chapter is divided into 5 sections —— Reading,Listening, Language, Speaking and Writing.An additional section called Using English (mainlyconcerned with developing study skills) is includedin alternate chapters. After each chapter there isMore Language Input.Each chapter is centred on a topic that links togetherthe different sections of the chapter. The readingpassages serve to contextualize the vocabulary andlanguage that are later exploited in the Language andother sections. The chapter topics are intended toprovide students with useful ideas and information andextend their general knowledge. Many of the topicsrelate to other subjects on the curriculum (e.g., maths,geography) so that students can learn vocabulary andlanguage associated with the subjects.In the Teachers Book, there is a section at thebeginning of each chapter called Chapter topic:overview. This introduces the topic or theme of eachchapter, and summarizes the main sections of thechapter.