This book is aimed at the reader of English majors. It mainly addresses the topic of English sentence skills, which comprise of sentence extension and combination techniques, correction methods of five common errors, the use of punctuation in sentence combination, extension, and error correction, and finally diction. There are two main distinguishing features in this book: first, it tries to apply the three different approaches of grammar, rhetoric, and even logic to English sentence writing; second, it tries to teach the readers to learn sentence writing in the context of paragraph. From Unit One to Unit Six, the book mainly discusses sentence extension and combination skills. Unit One establishes six criteria for sentence classification. Six criteria for sentence classification are: the role of a sentence in the paragraph, the extent of abstraction, different communicative functions, grammatical structure, emphasis or the location of the essential information in a sentence, the length of a sentence. Understanding these methods of classification is crucial in writing effective sentences. Unit Two discusses different communicative functions of four major syntactic classes, with further classification and their applications in paragraph. It especially explores the logical applications of statements or declarative sentences in sentence and paragraph writing. Unit Three discusses the sentence extension in broad and narrow senses: the narrow one is sentence expansion based on basic sentence patterns; the broad one is expansion through coordination and subordination. It starts with the narrow sense and ends with the broad one. Unit Four first illustrates the different effects between loose and periodic sentences, then discusses definition of and recognition issues on periodic sentences, as well as methods of conversion from loose to periodic, and finally the mixed use of loose, periodic, and balanced sentences. Unit Five addresses five main issues: the criteria for the best sentence combination, nine methods in sentence combination, logical problems in sentence combination, when and where to use short and long sentences, and the problem of uniform length sentences. This unit puts forwards three criteria, which also serve as the three steps, and illustrates how the three criteria are applied in real situations. Unit Six discusses ways to avoid subject-first sentences, that is, sentence variety through non-subject-first sentences, for the major weaknesses of over-use of subject-first sentences are childish and monotonous.
This book is aimed at the reader of English majors. It mainly addresses the topic of English sentence skills, which comprise of sentence extension and combination techniques, correction methods of five common errors, the use of punctuation in sentence combination, extension, and error correction, and finally diction.
ForewordPrefaceUnit One Classification of Sentences1.1 Topic Sentences, Supporting Sentences, and Concluding Sentences1.2 General (Abstrac0 Sentences and Specific (Concrete) Sentences1.3 Statements, Questions, Commands, and Exclamations1.4 Simple Sentences, Compound Sentences, Complex Sentences,and Compound-complex Sentences1.5 Loose Sentences, Periodic Sentences, and Balanced Sentences1.6 Short Sentences and Long SentencesExercisesUnit Two Functional Classification of Sentences and Uses of Sentences2.1 Exclamations (Exclamatory Sentences)2.2 Questions (Interrogative Sentences)2.3 Commands (Imperative Sentences)2.4 Statements (Declarative Sentences)ExercisesUnit Three Grammatical Classification of Sentences and Sentence Expansion3.1 Clause Elements3.2 Basic Sentence Patterns3.3 Sentence Expansion —— Modification and Compounding3.4 Sentence Expansion —— Coordination and Subordination3.5 Considerations on the Use of Different Grammatical Types of Sentences3.6 Application of Modification and Compounding as well as Subordination and Coordination in Sentence ExpansionExercisesUnit Four Rhetorical Classification of Sentences and Sentence Conversion4.1 Rhetorical Classification of Sentences4.2 The Different Effects between Loose and Periodic Sentences4.3 Loose Sentence4.4 Periodic Sentence4.5 Methods of Conversion from Loose to Periodic4.6 Balanced Sentence4.7 The Mixed Loose, Periodic and Balanced SentencesExercisesUnit Five Sentence Combination and Long and Short Sentences5.1 Criteria for the Best Combination5.2 Methods and Principles in Sentence Combination5.3 Logical Problems in Sentence Combination5.4 Occasions to Use Short and Long SentencesExercisesunit Six Sentence Variety through Non-subject-first Sentence6.1 Ways to Avoid Subject-first Sentences6.2 Principles in Sentence-beginning Variety6.3 Use of the Principles in CombinationExercisesUnit Seven Run-on Sentence7.1 Two Types of Run-on Sentences7.2 Five Ways of Correction7.3 Use of the Principles, of Revising Run-on Sentences7.4 Legitimate Run-on SentencesExercisesUnit Eight Sentence Fragments8.1 Acceptable or Legitimate Sentence Fragments8.2 Five Major Types of Acceptable Sentence Fragments8.3 Added-detail Fragments8.4 Missing-Subject FragmentsExercisesUnit Nine Parallelism and Faulty Parallelism9.1 The Meaning of Parallelism9.2 Three Major Types of Faulty Parallclism9.3 Punctuating Parallel ElementsExercisesUnit Ten Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers10.1 Adverbials10.2 Modification in the Form of Adjective, Noun Phrases, or Clauses10.3 Misplaced Modifiers10.4 Dangling ModifiersExercisesUnit Eleven Diction11.1 Levels of Diction11.2 Formal and Informal11.3 Concrete and Specifc, Abstract and General11.4 Denotation and Connotation11.5 Slang11.6 Cliche11.7 Pretentious Words or Jargon11.8 WordinessExercisesUnit Twelve Punctuation12.1 Comma12.2 Period, Question mark, and Exclamation Mark12.3 Semicolon and Colon12.4 Hyphen12.5 Dash12.6 Parentheses12.7 Quotation MarkExercisesBibliography
II. Combine the following simple choppy sentences respectively both into one loose sentence and one periodic sentence. The president towered over everybody. He was stiffon braced legs. He was in a big brown suit. His one hand was holding his hat on his heart. His other hand was clutching the arm of his son. His son was an Air Corps Officer. His son strongly resembled him. III. Spot the periodic sentences and change them back into the loose ones and compare the effects. In the evening, I suspected that there must be someone hiding somewhere. I searched every comer carefully, but found nobody. So I closed the door and moved the table against the door in order to prevent any misfortune. Deep that night when I lay in bed, a strange sound, as if someone were trying to break in, which made my hair stand on end, was heard. I had a cold sweat over. How I regretted that I had come back alone. In order to banish the fear I hid myself deep in my quilt. The fear that the bad man might discover that a young girl was in the room alone prevented me from breathing freely. IV. Change the following periodic sentence into a loose sentence. Free from all sycophancy and obsequiousness——a quality invaluable among both colonial and semi-colonial people, Lu Xun, a great man of letter, a great thinker, a revolutionary, a man of unyielding integrity, was the chief commander of Chinas Cultural Revolution. V. Rewrite the following paragraph to give it more variety in sentence structure. Make any other improvements that you can. Values play a major role in our society. People use these values to make certain decisions in their lives. Values can be stated as a persons view of right and wrong. Courage is an extension of a persons values. Courage takes a persons values and puts them into the persons life. How people use their courage is completely up to them. This courage could be physical or mental. Anyone can make a courageous act. It is only the ones who follow through their intentions by actions who are truly courageous.