刘决生 主编
国家英语课程标准明确规定,高三毕业生的英语水平应该达到八级,其中课外英语阅读量累计为36万词。综观2008年各地高考英语试题,每份试题中阅读理解的题量都在5篇左右,有的省份如浙江省甚至高达6篇。高考阅读理解的分值也在40到50分之间,是英语试题中比重最大的一块。可以说,谁赢得了阅读理解题,谁就赢得了高考英语的高分。 为了让广大高中学生,尤其是高三考生,熟悉高考英语阅读理解的选材范围与试题设计的特点,本书编者广泛收集全国各地的最新高考英语模拟试题,从中筛选出阅读理解精华试题150篇,分为人物经历篇、趣闻轶事篇、科技说明篇、现象介绍篇、异域风情篇、植物动物篇、广告信息篇、话题谈论篇和任务型阅读篇九个板块,与已经多次出版的《高考英语经典阅读150篇》相配套,供广大高中学生选用。 参加本书编写的老师既有从事高考英语测试专业研究的英语教育硕士,又有奋战在高三教学一线的骨干教师。我们编写此书的初衷就是要给广大考生提供最新、最经典的高考阅读理解模拟训练题,让考生在最短的时间取得阅读理解上的最大提高。 本书在2007年7月推出第一版后,短短一年的时间内就印刷四次,深受广大师生的欢迎。为了满足广大高三新生备战2009年高考的需要,我们在原来编写体例的基础上,依据2008年全国各地最新高考英语模拟试题中的阅读理解精华部分重编了此书,同时增加了任务型阅读篇这一板块,力图以全新的内容奉献给读者。
前言第一章 高考英语阅读理解的命题趋向与训练策略第二章 高考英语阅读理解模拟精选150篇 第一节 人物经历篇 第二节 趣闻轶事篇 第三节 科技说明篇 第四节 现象介绍篇 第五节 异域风情篇 第六节 植物动物篇 第七节 广告信息篇 第八节 话题谈论篇 第九节 任务型阅读篇参考答案
A.Creating an ever-lasting space station for as truantsoB.Placing a man-staffed lab into orbit for long periods.C.Carrying out large-scale experiments in laboratories.D.Setting up a fully-equipped space engineering System.3.Which is true according to the passage?A.Important technique about spacewalk remain uncertain in spite of researches.B.spacewalk is the only factor that leads to Shenzhou VII missionS complexity.C.Due to Shenzhou VIPs inability, its uncertain how to broadcast the spacewalk.D.Our country is getting along quite well with developing spaceship and rockets.Passagel2The Media Village and Media Hotel for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will provide a collection of convenient services to the host broadcasters,rights holding broadcasters,and other media this summer.Located near the Beiyuanlukou North Station of the Line 5 subway, the Media Village is northeast of the Olympic Green and the Olympic Forest Park in the north of the city-just five kilometers(km) From the Main Press Center(MBC)and two km from the International Broadcast Center(IBC).It will take just 15 minutes by car to reach the National Stadium and other core stadiums.In Addition, shuttle buses to the different stadiums will run daily.Journalists will be able to pass the security check for their destination stadium when they get on the buses and be able to enter the stadium upon arrival.The Media Village is being completed in two phases(阶段).Composed of two sections,the 640,000-sqm Media Village will accommodate 7,000 journalists.The project Can continue to adopt changes according to the requirements of the Olympics.Journalists staying at the Media Village will enjoy an attractive selection of services,including completely furnished rooms,a 24-hour media workroom, ADSL,24-hour dining service,UPS delivery service,banking,Olympic licensed product store,newspaper and magazine booth,dry cleaning,post office,and gym.In line with the concepts of“Green Olympics”,“Hi-tech Olympic”,and“PeopleS Olympics”,the Media Village makes use of green construction materials and surpasses the cityS energy-saving standards by 60 percent.Completed last May, the Media Village is undergoing decoration and outside greening at presentoIt is scheduled to be open from July 25 to August 29,2008.1.The Media Village is_______.A.in the northeast of the Olympic Forest ParkB.five kilometers from the Main Press CenterC.two kilometers from the Antinational Broadcast CenterD.a-quarter car ride from the National Stadium2.Journalists staying at the Media Village must receive security check when________.A.entering any destination stadiums before their arrivalB.getting on the buses or entering any stadiumsC.getting on the buses to their destination Stadium