With a long history, the tongue diagnosis has been valued by physicians of different generations in the field of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). With the advance of TCM, as an important part of TCM system on syndrome differentiation and individualized treatment, the tongue diagnosis is now attracting the worldwide attention.
Chapter 1 The outlines of tongue diagnosis1 The history of tongue diagnosis2 The outlines of tongue diagnosis2.1 The structure of the tongue2.2 The principle of inspection of tongue2.3 The methods of tongue observation2.4 The cautionary notes of tongue observationChapter 2 The normal tongue and its physiological variations1 The normal tongue2 The physiological variations of tongue2.1 The age2.2 The gender2.3 The constitutional and congenital factors2.4 The climateChapter 3 The observation of the tongue proper1 The tongue spirit1.1 The lustrous tongue1.2 The withered tongue2 The tongue color2.1 The pale-red tongue2.2 The pale-white tongue2.3 The red tongue2.4 The deep-red tongue2.5 The bluish-purple tongue3 The tongue shape3.1 The tough tongue3.2 The tender tongue3.3 The enlarged tongue3.4 The thin tongue3.5 The spotted or thorny tongue3.6 The cracked tongue3.7 The teeth-marked tongue3.8 The bleeding of tongue3.9 The boils of tongue3.10 The pustule of tongue3.11 The fungus of tongue4 The tongue motility4.1 The flaccid tongue4.2 The stifftongue4.3 The deviated tongue4.4 The protrusion and moving of tongue4.5 The shortened tongue5 The sublingual veins5.1 The normal sublingual veins5.2 The abnormal sublingual veinsChapter 4 The observation of tongue coating1 The proper of tongue coating1.1 The thin tongue coating1.2 The thick tongue coating1.3 The moist tongue coating1.4 The slippery tongue coating1.5 The dry tongue coating1.6 The greasy tongue coating1.7 The curdy tongue coating1.8 The mildew tongue coating1.9 The exfoliative tongue coating1.10 The full tongue coating1.11 The partial tongue coating1.12 The true or false tongue coating2 The color of tongue coating2.1 The white tongue coating2.2 The yellow tongue coating2.3 The gray-black coatingChapter 5 Tho comprehensive analysis of the tongue condition1 The overall analysis of the tongue proper and tongue coating1.1 The consistent changes between the tongue proper and tongue coating1.2 The inconsistent changes between the tongue proper and tongue coating2 The dynamic analysis of the tongue condition2.1 The tongue condition of externally contracted diseases2.2 The tongue condition of internally injured diseasesChapter 6 The clinical meaning and application of tongue diagnosis1 To judge the preponderance of declining of the anti- pathogenic qi and pathogenic factors/t042 To identify the nature of the pathogenic factors3 To analyze the depth of the disease location4 To conclude the disease progression
Tongue is theexternal manifestation of the spleen and the spleen meridi-an connects the tongue and spreads under the tongue. Thetongue coating is formed through stomach-qi steaming thefood, which corresponds with the transportation and trans-formation function of the spleen and stomach. The kidneystores essence and the kidney meridian reaches the root ofthe tongue. The liver stores blood and controls tendons,and the liver meridian also connects with the tongue. Thelung system ascends to the throat and connects with theroot of tongue. Other zang-fu tissues relate to the tongueeither directly or indirectly through the meridians. Thetongue is a muscular tissue full of blood vessels, which isnourished by qi and blood and moistened by the body flu-ids. The color, shape and proper of the tongue relate to theabundance or shortage and circulation of qi and blood; themoistening or dryness of tongue coating relates to theabundance or shortage of the body fluids. Therefore, by ob-serving changes of the tongue, one can understand the con-dition of zang-fu organs and qi, blood and fluids. 2.3 The methods of tongue observation 2.3.1 The position of tongue observation and pos-ture of tongue extending The patient who receives the inspection of tongue maytake sitting or supine position, facing the light source.