《英语一课一练》编写组 编
Unit One Unit TwoUnit ThreeUnit FoLlrUnit FiveUnit SixUnit SevenUnit EightUnit NineUnit TenUnit ElevenUnit TwelveUnit ThirteenUnit FourteenKey to Exercises for Reference(参考答案)
Mr and Mrs Scott moved to a small town,and they made arrangements at the local bank to open an account in both their names.But Mr Scott was a busine.ssrnan and always worked during the times that the bank was open,So his wife was the one who usually went there when they needed money.Then one day Mr Scott had a vacation,SO he went to the bank,but the bank teller didnt know him,and wasnt willing tO give him any money until she was sure that he was really Mr Scott.She said po.1itely,"I know Mrs Scott,but I dont know you yet.Could you please show me something to provethat you are Mr Scott?" Mr Scott looked in his wallet and found some photos of his wife.He showed them tO the teller,and she was.satisfied and gave him his money. ……