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   East of Eden,取自圣经故事:亚当与夏娃被逐出伊甸园后,生了该隐和亚伯。该隐出于妒忌,杀了亚伯,上帝惩罚该隐流浪漂泊,该隐便离开上帝,去住在伊甸之东。

  看书就是看一个故事。Steinbeck 讲述的故事没有太多的铺陈和人物,两家人就两条线,很清晰,很自然。有种行云流水的感觉吧。
  印象深的是Cathy ,Lee,和Adam。看了一半才发现作者自己也把自己写了进去,不过着墨不多。
  和“Wrath of Grapes" 一样,是一部很好的小说。两本书看了都让人有种悲伤的情结,让人不禁对里面的人物都有丝丝同情怜悯。



  In East of Eden, the central concern of the novel is the perpetual battle between good and evil. And this battle is not only between the good people and evil people, but also between the good impulses and bad impulses within one person. Steinbeck presents his idea about the nature of human being by retelling the biblical story of Cain and Abel, as he thought the Cain and Abel story has been played repeatedly in countless generations of mankind. The main characters of the story are the twins brothers in Trask family, Adam and Charles, and the descendants of Adam, Aron and Cal, who happen also to be the twins brothers. These two pairs of brother respectively represent the different generations of Cain and Abel. This hidden allegory can be detected through the initial letter of the characters’ name. Adam and Aron are deemed to possess the innocence and good nature of Abel, whereas Charles and Cal are manipulative and vague just like Cain. Although the novel is under the perception that the characters with an initial letter C are bad and with letter A are good, there are some significant changes and developments in the different generations of Cain and Abel. And those changes and developments are primarily due to the idea of timshel, which is the core concept of author of the novel about what human being could do and should do in dealing with the good and evil issues.
  The Hebrew word timshel, occurs in Cain and Abel story when God speaks to Cain about the sin Cain committed. Thus, it is vital to acquire the proper interpretation of this word in order to thoroughly know about the good and evil of human being. But, the word is also abstruse to understand and has a variety of meanings that numerous people used to ignore and simply thought it as a promise or commandment from God. In East of Eden, however, the Chinese servant Lee, unsatisfied with the conventional translation of timshel, devotes himself to researching this problem and exams it word by word. Eventually, with the help of a branch of Chinese scholars who are perceive of human history and especially study Hebrew for this problem, Lee succeeds to find out the deeper meaning inside the word itself and define that timshel means “thou mayest” which is distinct from the general translations and the very first time asserts that despite all the original sins inherited from our ancestors, human beings are capable of choosing to be good or evil on our own. “Don’t you see?” he cried. “The American Standard translation orders men to triumph over sin, and you can call sin ignorance. The King James translation makes a promise in ‘Thou shalt,’ meaning that men will surely triumph over sin. But the Hebrew word, the word timshel— ‘Thou mayest’— that gives a choice. It might be the most important word in the world. That says the way is open. That throws it right back on a man. For if ‘Thou mayest’—it is also true that ‘Thou mayest not.’”(Chapter 24 page 301)
  Neither to be an unbreakable promise from God that sins will be triumphed for no doubt, nor to be an absolute order that all men must spare no effort to conquer the sins, timshel, in Lee’s opinion indicates that by blessing human beings with free will to ponder and judge, God has given us the choice to decide whether to overcome sin or not and by that, more essentially bestowed us the freedom to choose the life we would like to have. According to this theory, nothing in one’s life is predestined and no one is doomed to hell just because of his nature or the legacy from their parents. It is what we choose to be that makes us good or evil. To be good or evil is merely our decision and entirely up to us. By establishing the theory of timshel, Lee is attempting to point out that on one hand, there is nothing in our lives that we can take for granted and therefore we should strive for washing away our own sins, however, on the other hand, we should never give up and turn to be cynical since our own future depends upon our own choices. Even if we made a serious mistake and committed a severe sin, such as murdering just like what Cain did, we still have chance to choose to fight against our bad nature and make it right. ” Now, there are many millions in their sects and churches who feel the order, ‘Do thou,’ and throw their weight into obedience. And there are millions more who feel predestination in ‘Thou shalt.’ Nothing they may do can interfere with what will be. But ‘Thou mayest’! Why, that makes a man great, that gives him stature with the gods, for in his weakness and his filth and his murder of his brother he has still the great choice. He can choose his course and fight it through and win.” (Chapter 24 page 302)
  Given the idea of timshel, if you desire to be a good man, then be active in performing good deeds and do not expect you can gain any good results without doing anything. Nevertheless, if you come across any troubles or lapse into evilness, be positive and faithful in yourself and do not lose your hope for being a good person, because you still can get it through your choices to start pursuing the good of human beings. Lee admits although sometimes on account of our own weakness, it is difficult doing good deeds constantly, the autonomy that comes from the freedom of choices provides us with courage and resolution to continue. “You can never lose that. It cuts the feet from under weakness and cowardliness and laziness.” (Chapter 24 page 302) Briefly speaking, we should have a balance between in Pollyanna’s optimism and absolute pessimism, and we can get energy from timshel. That is what Lee tries to communicate with us.
  But in Steinbeck’s opinion, the importance of timshel is much more than that. The whole concept of timshel, namely the freedom of choice, is foundation of the glory of human beings and is what constitutes the value of existence of every individual. Without it, life means nothing. “And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world. And this I would fight for: the freedom of the mind to take any direction it wishes, undirected. And this I must fight against: any idea, religion, or government which limits or destroys the individual…. If the glory can be killed, we are lost.”(Chapter 13 page131) Hence, when Cal accepts the idea of timshel, he realize unlike his mother Cathy, he is not a evil monster, but only a flawed human being who could and should be a good man and obtain the salvation of himself by his struggle to fight against the evil part inside himself. Enormously as Cal has been influenced by his mother’s pure evil, his destiny is not all inherited and he is not doomed to act out the characteristics with which he is born. He still has opportunities to be redeemed and change his evil nature. “Maybe you’ll come to know that every man in every generation is re-fired. ……all impurities burned out and ready for a glorious flux, and for that- more fire. And then either the slag heap or, perhaps what no one in the world ever quite gives up, perfection.”(Chapter 55 page 598)Obviously, timshel is a powerful weapon to defy the moral determinism. So, the author keeps it un-translated to be a symbol of someone who finally is redeemed for his sins and free of the chain of destiny.
  Thus, Adam’s last word timshel actually is the final blessing for Cal, which not only symbolizes his endeavors and struggles for the good is ultimately acknowledged but also indicates all the sins that passed down through generations from his ancestors have been diminished. It is a supreme moment of redemption for Cal. Similar with the biblical story Cain and Abel, in which the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one will kill him and he lead a peaceful life, the blessing of timshel makes Cal could move on and completely overcome the agony of the past and live a happier life with his wife. By embracing the idea of timshel, Cal succeeds to get rid of the legacy of his parents as the dominance over his fate. By ending his novel this way, Steinbeck try to affirm that timshel, the freedom to choose between good and evil, does really exist, and only with the idea of timshel, could you make your life meaningful, valuable and worth living.


  读这本书 得花时间。不过之前 我建议先去读圣经,这样对故事更好理解。我最感兴趣的是里面那个变态的女人……

  Lee, the Chinese-American housekeeper for the Trask family, is my favorite character in East of Eden. He is forced to speak in the Chinese pidgin dialect that enables him to survive in America. An orphan, he raises Adam's children after they are abandoned by Cathy. (He even plays a mother's role in the family to some extent.)
  Lee often affects a Chinese pidgin accent to play into Americans' expectations of him. A philosophical man, he frequently gives voice to the novel's themes, including the crucial idea of "timshel". (The individual or personal choice that whether to be good or evil. He mentions the similar conception as "Shen Du". However, the meaning of "Shen Du" should be "self-supervision" or "self-restraining in privacy" as the most important thinking of Confucius. Whatever, I still admire Steinbeck for his broad knowledge fields.)
  His story of his own birth is the most appalling chapter in the novel. Although I learned some history about Chinese-American when I was in high school before, I still be infected by his story, which describes an absolute love. It goes beyond the notions of good and evil, it even goes beyond people and gods, since it affects the members of a different cult, profession and race alike, sometimes leading the Trask family to overcome their weak point.
  After Sam died, Lee plays a vital role in Trask family. In my opinion, Sam enlightens Lee and Adam, and gives them the courage and determination. So I am really happy when Adam or Cal visited Cathy without any depression and cowardice. The good overcomes the evil again and again, Sam says the twins of Trask are weapons of Adam, and Lee shapes them. In choosing to stay with his master when he could easily strike out on his own, and it is his "timshel". Steinbeck tries to investigate Lee as a type of the assimilated American, but seems drawn back to portraying him as an oriental individuals.
  There can be no good without evil. This book is really full of "Timshel".
  (I will write a larger comment to praise this book after finishing it~ :)


  印象很深刻的一段议论(王永年译,上海译文版,P147):“在我们的时代,成批或者集体生产进入了经济、政治甚至宗教领域,以致某些国家已经用集体这个概念代替了上帝的概念。在我们的时代,这就是危险所在。……人类是唯一有创造力的物种,人类只有一个进行创造的东西。……如今,集结在集体概念周围的力量向人的头脑,这个可贵之处,发动了赶尽杀绝的战争。在毁谤、饥饿、镇 压、强迫命令和制约的沉重打击下,自由徜徉的头脑遭到了纠缠、束缚、钝化和麻醉。人类走上的似乎是一条自杀的道路。”






So have u finished the book yet? I just finished it and tried to find different comments from people. Nice comments though~

yes, exactly. I did finish this book (perhaps one year ago), but I still cannot forget these characters. I really appreciate Adam finally forgave his son by using "timshel". Everyone can change his destiny, and determine his own life.


亚当后来生了赛特和其他儿女 创世纪中有记载 人类怎么都是该隐的后代?

