当前,英语教学改革正在进行,教学评价特别强调学生英语综合运用能力的提高,这在人民教育出版社和各地编写的英语新教材中都有体现,中考要求也在改革。为了使学生在初中毕业前能把英语课本里学到的知识融会贯通,本书汇编了大量的技能性练习,在“语言知识”和“语言技能”两大章节内进行了分门归类,供学生在课余时间里进行自我训练。 为了方便学生自学,本书在每个章节中还对语言知识和技能的重点、难点进行了详细的讲解和阐述,使学生能在理解的基础上进行操练,系统地掌握所学的英语知识,从而迅速提高解题技能,达到事半功倍的效果。 本书由富有教学和命题经验、教学成果显著的老师精心编写而成,在内容编排上与教学大纲相吻合,与考试题型相接近。 本书还编了几套具有一定技能要求的模拟试卷,可供学生在复习后作自我测试评价用。
Section one 语言知识语音词汇拼写同义词和反义词词义辨析动词词组构词法词法名诃代词冠词数词形容词和副词介词连词动词(一)动词(二)句法句子的种类陈述句疑问句感叹句祈使句句子的类型并列句复合句Section Two 语言技能听辨音句子理解句子反应对话听句子或对话选图短文理解完形填空说读写命题作文看图作文情景作文应用文Section Three Model Tests 模拟测试Model Test 1Model Test 2Model Test 3Model Test 4Key to Exercises练习答案
"Wash every day and you will die young, my son!" People often said those words, long ago,of course. Napoleons wife had new clothes every month instead of a bath. "Its quicker," she alwayssaid. Rich people didnt often have a bath. They washed their hands and faces, but not their bod-ies. Many poor people did not wash at all. A young man once said to a doctor, "Soap and waterhave never touched my body. " Why didnt people wash in those days long ago? Well, they didnt have water in their houses. They carried water from rivers or from holes inthe ground(well). Town people bought it from a water-carrier. Sometimes it was very expensive.They drank water, of course; and so they were clean inside. They didnt think about the outside!And this is true: they just did not like a bath. Modern life is different. We use a lot of soap and water. And we are all quite clean. Howev-er, a few people use too much soap; and they often get ill. Who are these people? Many young women work as hairdressers. They wash and then "dress" other womens hair.That is their job, and they like it. Young hairdressers sometimes wash thirty heads on a busyday! Their hands are soapy for seven or eight hours; and that is not a good thing. A younghairdressers hands are often red and ugly; and she must then go to a doctor. ……