Unit 1 Career Management
Unit 2 Enterprise
Unit 3 E-business
Unit 4 Brand Management
Unit 5 Prices and Commodities
Unit 6 Corporate Entertaining
Unit 7 Innovation
Unit 8 Public Relations
Unit 9 Cultural Awareness
Unit I0 Global Advertising
Unit 11 Management Styles
Unit 12 Mergers and Acquisitions
Unit 13 Business and the Environment
Unit 14 Finance and Credit
Unit 15 Economic Issues
It has often been said that if you could invent a new mousetrap, the world would beat a path to your door. But many companies used to pay little or no attention to investing money in a Research and Development department. They preferred to respond to market forces, waiting until the consumer initiated product development by modifying demand in the market place. This usually resulted in simple fine-tuning of a products salient features and many missed opportunities. Manufacturers frequently discovered that innovation had passed them by when it was too late to act. When they finally woke up to the news, they found a competitor had stolen their customers. A frequently heard argument was, If its not broken, dont fix it: Unfortunately, it is still a fact that time is seldom devoted in a small business to intense brainstorming sessions to consider the long-term future of a particular product. Manufacturers often find that theyve done too little too late. But companies ignore investment in research at their own peril. The Swiss watch, Swatch, is a prime example of a product which was produced in response to the loss of a market through competition. Japanese manufacturers stole the Swiss watch industrys market, virtually overnight, when they flooded Europe with cheap digital watches. Digital watches were examples of new technology which soon displaced the old-style analogue watches. The Swiss responded with innovation of their own - a fashion watch, produced on automated machines with economies of scale~, which reversed the decline of their home industry.
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