《美国黑人女作家评介》的主要内容包括:Black Power Movement、Building on the Tradition、Zora Neale Hurston、Their Eyes Were Watching God、Maya Angelou、I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings、Paule Marshall、Praisesong for the Widow 等。
Historical Overview Pioneering Voices Harlem RenaissancePost-Harlem Renaissance Period and CivilRights Black Power Movement Building on the Tradition Zora Neale Hurston Their Eyes Were Watching GodMaya Angelou I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Paule Marshall Praisesong for the Widow Toni Morrison Beloved Alice Walker The Color Purple Gloria Naylor Mama Day Name Index Bibliography
While Spencer did not write "protest" poetry, she was aware of white oppression. In her public life, Spencer's outrage at racism and sexism was decidedly bold: she wore trousers when no"genteel" woman dared consider it; she kept a wall covered with original slave posters to remind her of a history that should never be forgotten, and she walked to any destination rather than ride on Jim Crow buses. Anne Spencer never had avolume of her own work published. She died in 1975.Georgia Douglas Johnson (1877-1966), a traditionalist in poetic form, gave much more attention to African-American women-, and her home became the site of on of the greatest literary salons for the writers of the Harlem Renaissance Johnson was the first black woman since Frances E. W.Harper, in 1854, to have a volume of poetry p'ub'Iished, and the most famous woman poet of that literary movement. She published four volumes of poetry: The Heart o f a Woman and Other Poems (1918), Bronze: a Book of Verse (1922), An Autumn Love Cycle (1928), and Share My World (1962).Built on themes of loneliness, isolation, and the confining spects of the roles of women, Johnson's first collection of poems, The Heart o f a Woman and Other Poems, establish hedher as one of the notable African-American woman poets of her time.Johnson's second collection of poems, Bronze: A Book o fverse, deals primarily with the issue of race, while her third collection, An Autumn Love Cycle, returns to the feminineIn addition to poetry, Johnson wrote several plays. During the fall of 1926, her play Blue Blood was performed by the Krigwa Players in New York City and was published the following year. In 1927 Plumes, a folk tragedy set in the rural South, won first prize in a literary contest sponsored by the National Urban League's African-American magazine Opportunity. Twenty-eight dramas are listed in the "Catalogue of Writings" that Johnson compiled in 1962-1963, but only a handful have been recovered. The catalogue also lists a manuscript dealing with her literary salon, a collection of short stories, and a novel-all have been lost as well. Of thirty-one short stories listed in her catalogue, only three have been located. Georgia Douglas Johnson's prolific writing career also included a weekly newspaper column, "Homely Philosophy",that was syndicated by twenty publications from 1926 to 1932; a collaboration with composer Lillian Evanti in the late 1940s that made use of Johnson's earlier music training at college; and an international correspondence club that she organized and ran from 1930 to 1965.Jessie Fauset ( 1882-1961 ) was born in 1882 in Fredericksville, New Jersey. In 1905, she became the first black woman to graduate from Cornell University. In 1912 she began contributing articles to the Crisis, and in 1919 was urged by its editor, W. E. B. Du Bois, to move to New York to become the literary editor of the journal. In that same year she received a master's degree in French from the University of Pennsylvania. ……