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大学英语六级考试预测试卷01大学英语六级考试预测试卷02大学英语六级考试预测试卷03大学英语六级考试预测试卷04大学英语六级考试预测试卷05大学英语六级考试预测试卷06大学英语六级考试预测试卷07大学英语六级考试预测试卷08大学英语六级考试预测试卷09大学英语六级考试预测试卷10Key to Modes Test One P1(1-5) P2(6-10) P3(11-16) P4(17-22) P5(23-27) P6(28-32) P7(33-37) P8(38-40) P9(41-48) P10(49-57) P11(58-67) P12(68-S7) P13(S8-Writing)Key to Modes Test Two P15(1-5) P16(6-10) P17(11-16) P18(17-22) P19(23-27) P20(28-33) P21(34-37) P22(38-40) P23(41-48) P24(49-57) P25(58-66) P26(67-S3) P27(S4-Writing) P28(Writing)Key to Modes Test ThreeKey to Modes Test FourKey to Modes Test FiveKey to Modes Test SixKey to Modes Test SevenKey to Modes Test EightKey to Modes Test NineKey to Modes Test Ten


  How to Create a Home Library  “I cannot live without books.”declared U.S.President Thomas Jefferson to his friend John Ad-Anls-Indeed,Jefferson was an obsessive book collector from a young age,amassing(收集)three sepa-rate home libraries in his lifetime.Jefferson’s library was considered the finest in the country.and his collection doubled the holdings of the Library of Congress.Still.Jefferson didn’t let the shelves at Monti.cello sit empty.By the time he died 11 years later,he had more than 2 000 volumes in his library.  Jefferson’s library might fit your conception of an old-fashioned home library with leather.bound books,wood paneling and uncomfortable furniture.But home libraries can be a dynamic expression ofthe owner’s personality.Creating a home library is a fun way to display your interests while establis.hing a special space for reading.Home Library Organization  When you started using the public library.you probably learned about Melvil Dewey and his sys.tern for ordering libraries.The Dewey Decimal Classification System has ten broad categories for or-ganizing books,including philosophy,religion and the arts.Each category is assigned a number.so forexample,when you want a book on modem art,you head to the 700 block.Larger libraries.such asthose at universities,tend to use the Library of Congress Classification System because it offers amore specmc array of subjects for categorization。adding subjects such as medicine and law for a totalOf 21 categories.  Your home library may or may not be as large as your local public library,but a good system oforganization will still help you find the book you want quicMy.You could take a page from Dewey andthe Library of Congress and sort books by subject matter.Sections for subjects such as history.tech-noloIgY or fiction might make their retxieval easier.This system also would allow you to highiight aparticular passion,such as an extensive collection of WOrld War II history.  Here are some other ways to organize a collection.  Alphabetizing by author works well for fiction but not necessarily for nonfiction books of varioussubjects.  Judging a book by its cover is usually frowned upon.but sorting by color can be aestheticallypleasing to some.Those generally forgetful about the colors of their books might disagree.  Alter a painful breakup.the main character in Nick Hornby’s book“High Fidelity”organizes hisrecord collection autobiographically in the order he acquired them.A chronological organization mightinclude shelves that track the progress of your life.from beloved childhood reading and college text-books to parenting books.


  《星火英语·大学英语6级考试命题改革与预测试卷(2009年6月)》风靡全国,畅销十年,8000万读者的选择。  临考困境:  基础较好,买一本预测试卷和一本全真试卷太浪费,有没有省钱的办法?  时间紧迫,没时间做大量练习题,有没有省时间高效的办法?  考前不想复习,也抓不住重点,又该怎么准备六级?  星火支招:题不在多,而在于精,3+5由3套最新真题和5套精选预测题组成,真题研习+模拟演练,省时高效,一举两得。跳出题海,一样高分过四级!  赠:120分钟高分技巧,音频讲解:  大学英语四级考试总体备考策略(科学评估自身水平,合理制定学习计划,理性选择备考材料,有效平衡复习时间);  大学英语四级考试各分项做题流程与核心技巧;  大学英语四级考试新题型特别点拨;  大学英语四级考试历年真题命题规律与考试趋势分析。  权威答案:上海交通大学是全国大学英语四、六级考试命题中心,同时又是全国大学英语四、六级考试阅卷中心,在推动全国高校英语教学改革、研究和四、六级考试改革方面做出了巨大贡献。  本套试卷借肋于具有多年教学经验的一线教师对四、六级考试改革方向的把握,力求做到紧跟命题改革方向,答案权威精确,解析深入详尽,对考生备考四级具有较高的指导性。  上海交通大学是全国大学英语四、六级考试命题中心,同时又是阅卷中心。《大学英语6级考试命题改革与预测试卷》借助于具有多年教学经验的一线教师对四、六级考试改革方向的把握,力求做到紧跟命题改革方向,答案精确权威,解析深入详尽,对考生备考四。六级具有较高的指导性。




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