星火研究院学习科学研究所 编
亲爱的读者,当你打开这本《全易通》时,你定会有一种为之一振的全新感觉。因为她不仅为你提供了基于建构学习、探究学习、掌握学习和合作学习等现代学习理论的全新的星大燎原学习法,而且通过众多生动有趣又富有价值的栏目向你展现了全新的学习模式和学习内容。因此,她是一本地地道道、实实在在的新生代教辅。 目前,在素质教育大潮的推动下,新课程改革正在如火如茶地进行着:教育理念在发生着深刻的变化,课程设置在发生着深刻的变化,教学内容在发生着深刻的变化,课堂教学在发生着深刻的变化,教育评价在发生着深刻的变化,学习方式也在发生着深刻的变化……这一切,决定了用于指导同学们学习的教辅也必须发生深刻的变化。于是,新生代教辅便应运而生。 什么是新生代教辅?她的理念应当是全新的——符合素质教育的要求,满足新课程改革的需要;她倡导的方法应当是全新的——以先进的学习理论为指导,富有鲜明的时代特色;她确定的思路应当是全新的——既适于同学们自主探究,又适于伙伴间合作学习,以构建知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观的体系;她立足的基点应当是全新的——从关心人的发展的角度出发,注重同学们素质的全面提高……这一切,在《全易通》里都得到了充分的体现。
Unit 1 Great scientists 情景导入 背景链接 要点概览 教材探究 Warming Up热身 知识全解 Reading阅读 英汉对照 知识全解 Learning about Language语言学习 知识全解 Using Language语言运用 英汉对照 知识全解 语法详解 单元整合 词汇串记 图记语法 视野拓展 综合测评 答案专区 反思索引 互动论坛Unit 2 The United Kngdor 情景导入 背景链接 要点概览 教材探究 Warming Up热身 知识全解 Pre-reading读前 知识全解 Reading阅读 英汉对照 知识全解 Comprehending理解 知识全解 Learning about Langnage 语言学习 知识全解 Using Language语言运用 英汉对照 知识全解 语法详解 单元整合 词汇串记 图记语法 视野拓展 综合测评 答案专区 反思索区 互动论坛Unit 3 Life in the future 情景导入 背景链接 要点概览 教材探究 Reading阅读 英汉对照 知识全解 Comprehending理解 知识全解 Learning about Language语言学习 知识全解 ……Unit 4 Making the newsUnit 5 First aid期中测试题答案专区反思索引
The final event in the Olympics is the marathon. It is also usually the mostexciting. As the leader comes into the stadium to run the last few meters of the42-kilo-metre race, thecrowd rises to its feet to shout and cheer. The name ofthe race comes frond a battle in Ancient Greece. According to the story, asoldier ran from the scene of the battle, Marathon, to Athens, to bring thenews of a Greek victory against the Persians. He died just after arriving. The marathon has been an Olympic event since the modem games startedin 1896. At first the distance was 40 kilometers the distance betweenMarathon and Athens. In 1908, however, at the London Olympics, it waschanged. The King of England wanted the runners to leave from his castle inWindsor and arrive in a new stadium in central London. The distance was 26miles——about 42 kilometers. In fact, the 1908 marathon ended dramatically(剧性地). When the leader, an Italian, entered the stadium he turned the wrongway and fell onto the ground. Officials picked him up and helped him to thefinishing line, just as the second runner, an American, entered the stadium.The Americans protested (抗义) and in the end the American runner wasdeclared(宣布) the winner. Since then, there have been many more excitingmarathons.
谁能把复杂的问题简单化,深奥的问题通俗化,谁就是教育家! ——著名教育家叶圣陶
四易学习:易读、易记、易学、易用。 轻松高效 尽在掌握 全面学习方案 化难为易之法 融会贯通之术