夏少芳 等 著
Part Ⅰ 命题特点与应试策略一、命题特点二、应试策略Part Ⅱ 听力短对话训练一、推理性提问Test 1Test 2二、观点式提问Test 1Test 2三、归纳式提问Test 1Test 2四、对身份提问Test 1Test 2五、对数字信息提问Test 1Test 2六、对场景提问Test 1Test 2Part Ⅲ 听力长对话训练Test 1Test 2Test 3Test 4Test 5Test 6Test 7Test 8Test 9Test 10Test 11Test 12Part Ⅳ 录音原文与答案详解听力短对话录音原文与答案详解听力长对话录音原文与答案详解
M: Have you deleted some important system files before you had the trouble? W: No. I was just working on a file when the power went off. It has not workedsince ! M: It would appear that the trouble was caused by the sudden power shut off. Thesoftware of your computer would need to be reinstalled, but you have to pay forthat work to be done. W: Really? It is newly bought. Is it not within the maintenance period? M: Im sorry. Within one year from the purchase date, the guarantee covers repairsfor hardware problems and faulty material, such as the main parts, batteries,screen.., etc. Software problems are covered only once, for a limited period ofthree months. Unfortunately, your computer has gone beyond this maintenanceperiod. W: Oh, my goodness! How much is it for reinstalling the system? M: One hundred. This is a national uniform price offered by Acer. W: It is too expensive for me. Can ! do it by myself?
听力对话-轻松搞定大学英语六级考试-升级版-赠光碟 PDF格式下载