语言地道新颖,简约易懂,优美流畅;故事生动有趣,寓意深刻 感人,内容极富时代感。作为英语阅读的顶级精品。本套书深得广大读者的推崇与喜爱,广受各方的赞誉和褒奖。
AcknowledgmentsIntroduction1. ON RELATIONSHIPSStarlight, Star BrightSeven Minutes in HeavenPractical ApplicationA Geek, a Nerd, a BookwormMy Angel Has a HaloA Cool Drink of WaterUnrequited LoveGrayStarting a New PathDiscoveryHopscotch arid TearsInsideLost LoveWhy Guys Like GirlsLove Is Never LostDavid's Smile2. ON FRIENDSHIPThe RiftThe Right ThingDonna and ClaudiaA Friend for LifeSpeechlessI Need You NowChoicesFriends ForeverI Remember GilbertThe Tragic Reunion3. ON LOVE AND KINDNESSBobby, I'm SmilingAn A for Mrs. BKids Who Are DifferentMcDonald'sA Valentine for LauraA Simple HelloChange for a DollarMy Friend CharleyMy First Experience at Tasting the RaindropsSo How Do You Boost an Ego?Losing an EnemyGive Random Acts of Kindness a Try!4. TOUGH STUFFLosing HopeA Call for HelpTomorrow Came AgainIt Happened to MeTell Me Why You CryNintendo MasterAlready PerfectMy Toughest DecisionIt's Tough to Be a TeenagerNot Your Typical Prom NightNo Matter What HappensHero of the 'HoodVisionaryThe Morn I Never HadGood Night, Dad5. ON FAMILYBeautiful, She SaidSteeped with Meaning......……