如何提高学习效率.最终在学业考试中取得较好的成绩,这一直是学生、家长、老师最关注的问题。目前,普遍的学习方法是题海战术。这种以高强度的习题训练为主的学习模式。对大多数的学生确实是有效的。但突出的问题是效率极为低下。同时,由于市场上教辅资料泛滥,如果做了大量的无效题甚至坏题,反而会影响学生的学习积极性,学习效率就会更低。 学习理论的记忆曲线告诉我们。学习是一个不断重复与巩固的过程。无论是基础知识的学习,还是解题能力的训练,莫不遵从这一规律。为此,很多有经验的老师通常会要求学生在学完新课内容以后及时复习。并在周末对本周的学习内容进行适当的复习,以求巩固提高。 那么,周末到底应该布置怎样的习题,习题量又以多少合适呢?针对这一问题,近年来,杭州市一些重点中学的学科教研组开展了一项名为“周末练”的实践探索。他们摒弃以往在周末布置大量作业的做法,而让学生完成一份时间约为四十分钟,内容涵盖了本周重、难点的试卷。实践证明,这一做法取得了很好的效果,学生在不增加学习负担的情况下。能够有效地对所学的知识进行复习巩固、查漏补缺。
Unit 1 How。什en do you exercise?Unit 2 WhatS the matter?Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?Unit 4 How do you get to school?Unit 5 Can you come to my party?Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister期中测试卷Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?Unit 8 How was your school trip?Unit 9 When was he born?Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball playerUnit 11 Could you please clean your room?Unit 12 What’s the best radio station?期末测试卷参考答案
Betty is an American schoolgirl. She is very happy because her parents will take her to Chinafor a visit. They are going to fly from New York on June 30th and get to Beijing on July 1st.They will stay at Lido Holiday Inn. Their Chinese friends will show them around Beijing. Theyare going to visit the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven and the GreatWall. They will also visit some Chinese homes and try some Chinese food. They will spend aweek in Beijing and then go to Xian, Guilin and some other places for sightseeing. The whole tripwill take three weeks and she is sure she will have a great time in China.