QuickReadsTM系列是美国培生教育集团出版的一套英语阅读丛书。培生教育集团是全球最大的教育出版集团,迄今已出版40多万种图书,内容涉及社会科学、自然科学中的几乎所有学科。 QuickReadsTM由美国著名语言教学博士编写。该系列共分3级(A,B,C),每册分自然科学和社会研究两大类6个主题,30篇文章。文章语言纯正、行文流畅、篇幅适中,内容涉及面广、涵盖天文、地理、自然、历史、人文等各大主题,精彩有趣,不仅有助于提高学生阅读速度、理解能力,而且能够激发学生阅读兴趣,帮助学生拓宽视野。 针对课文内容精编难度适宜的练习,使得该系列更符合中国学生的阅读习惯和需求。该系列适用于七年级至高一水平的学生。
SCIENCE Dinosaurs Dinosaur Names Finding Out About Dinosaurs Meat-Eating Dinosaurs Plant-Eating Dinosaurs A Very Small Dinosaur ReviewSCIENCE Animal Giants Ocean Giants:Blue Whales Land Giants:Elephants Bird Giants:Ostriches Tall Giants:Giraffes Long Giants:Saltwater Crocodiles ReviewSCIENCE Plants The Parts of Plants How Plants Breathe Why Are Flowers Beautiful? Dangerous Plants Growing Your Own Plants ReviewSOCIAL STUDIES American Heroes George Washington Martin Luther King,Jr Clara Barton Cesar Chavez Wilma Rudolph ReviewSOCIAL STUDIES Celebrations What Is a Celebration? Thanksgiving A Birthday Party for the United States Thinking About the Past Celebrating New Year's Day ReviewSOCIAL STUDIES Our National Government Who's in Charge of Our Country? Leading the Way Making the Laws Helping People Understand the Laws Our Nation's Capital ReviewKeysReading LogSelf-Check GraphVocabulary