

周家斌 周家斌 湖北教育出版社 (2011-04出版)



周家斌 湖北教育出版社 (2011-04出版)  






  许多人读英文时无一生词,但不知所读句子为何物;或者每个句子皆明了于心,但整个段落却莫名其妙。道理很简单:语言乃文化之载体,语言外壳包裹着文化之核。如果不透过语言之外壳去把握文化之核。则一切学习的努力皆徒劳也。  正因为语言只是伪饰的外衣、肤浅的表象,所以不认识文化就不可能了解语言的本质和永恒的内涵。  是故学语言不能只接触表相而无视本质,否则交际永远无法实现。  只懂语言而不了解文化,好似认识了一个只知其表、不知其里的朋友。这样的朋友决不能称之为相知。你知道英国人保守,就知道他们为什么会反对将英镑纳入欧共体货币一体化了;你明白美国人欣赏竞争,就理解他们为什么怕老了……文化会使你发现语言其实是妙趣横生、妙不可言的娱乐,会使你发现语言如咀嚼橄榄一样,回味无穷……  对于英语,如果你只想学点皮毛,则不必看此书;但倘若你想领会英语之精髓,就必定吃透《文化解密(英汉对照读物)》!


Conservatism of the English People英国人的保守 Humorous Englishmen 英国人的幽默 Weather in England 英国的天气 Englishmen Nicknamed"John Bull"英国人的绰号——“约翰·牛” How"Uncle Sam"Came into Being? “山姆大叔”的来历 Americans'Character 美国人的性格 Confident Americans 美国人的自信 Individualism:American Trait 个性张扬——美国特色 The American Dream.Rags to Riches 美国梦——从乞丐到总统 Privacy as Border 隐私如国境 Compete for No.One争当第一 Which First-Casualties or Loss? 人与财产先报道什么? Growing Old in America美国老年人 Time-Oriented Culture时间文化 What Color Means?给点颜色“看看” Some American Superstitions美国迷信一览 Breaking a Mi rror打碎镜子 Etiquette Customs in the United States美国礼节和风俗 Origin of Manners礼仪的来历 Lady First女士优先 How Far to See Off Guests?客人要送多远? Who Pays the Bill in Dating?约会谁买单? American Greetings美式问候 Love of American Style美式爱情 Marriage of American Style关式婚礼 Marriage Custom结婚礼俗 What about Tip?小费怎么付? Cowboys:Heroes of Adventures牛仔:敢于冒险的英雄 Pigeon:Symbol of Peace鸽子:和平的象征 Baptism by Water or Fire水与火的洗礼 Eve's Models夏娃模式——男人的罪由女人承担 Forever the Beatles永恒的甲壳虫 Raising Children in America美国人的抚养观 American Country Music美国乡村音乐 Adjustingto U.S.Social Life适应美国社会生活 American Family美国家庭 Why a Teacher for wife?为何选教师作妻子? What Do Americans Learn?美国学生都学什么 How to Pay College Tuition?大学学费怎么付? Summer Camps夏令营 American Education美国教育 Online Education网络教育 TOEFL托福考试 American Children:Cheat Too美国学生也作弊 A History of American Food“美”食渊源 Fast Food:Cool&Common快餐食品——既新潮又常见 Sequence of Service上菜顺序 Culture in Wine酒文化 What Meat for Food?什么动物可做美食? Never overeat!吃好,但别铺张! How to Use Knife and Fork?怎样用刀叉? Eight Taboos at Table餐桌“八戒” American Home美国人的家 How to Live?英美人怎么住? Names&Titles名字与称谓 CanWe Say Uncle Lei Feng? 可以说“Uncle Lei Feng”吗? Teacher Zhang or Professor Zhang? 能说“Teacher Zhang”吗? What Distance Is Polite? 间隔多远算礼貌? Misunderstanding in Gestures手势语的误会 Gestures Unique to Bull&Sam专用手势 Eyes Can Speak!眼睛会说话! Death Penalty:Justice or Revenge?为何反对死刑? Equality for Whom?谁在享用平等?


版权页: Never talk about any kind of reform to an Englishman,he would surely be silent and keep away from you! Suppose a mosquito were seen in the soup in a restaurant,what would be the most likely re-sponse by a German,an American,a Japanese,a Chinese or an Englishman. A German would,most probably,say "Oh7 What is the philosophical significance between a mosquito and the soup.'?How cool ! It is a golden chance for me to write a doctoral paper on this topic." Really,the German is good at philosophy. An American will,of course,make a com-plaint to the manager at once and call his lawyer at the same time,to see how much "psychological offense" he could claim. How law-abiding are the Americans! Do you know the famous worcks by the Roman philosopher Ovid? He said,"A horse never runs so fast as when he has other horses to catch up and outpace." It is for the reason to create competitive pressure so that the company itself and the soci-ety on the whole benefits the most that the US Supreme Court launches a monopoly charge a-gainst the unrivalled Microsoft. In their eyes,lack of competition simply will lead to laziness.It does good to no one. Competition is typical of American soci-ety.From the childhood on,everyone must try his or her best to be No.One in the soci-ety.Therefore,children regard Shirley Temple as their idol.Therefore,children will do their best to study well to be teachers' apple of the eye.Even in play,children will try to be win-ners,to be victors.To be defeated is a loss of face,of course. In adulthood,young men have to work hard to earn enough money to keep up with the Johns,for the sake of a position in society,for the sake of self-making.They worship such men as Gastby,as expected.






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