词语典故是语言及文化知识的根本,也是当今跨文化研究的热点。能在这方面做些普及推广的工作,对提高人们的语言知识及文化素养,善莫大焉。 本书词条的内容与例句皆有原著的出处,这也此书质量的有力保证此书只要相当于中学英语水平者,在汉语对照的帮助下,均能读懂,并从中汲取知识营养;即令是英语水平在6级以上者,也可从此书中获益匪浅,因为许多词条的字面含义与实际内容好像是风马牛不相及的,没有涉猎过的人是难以知道的。
A (orthe)BigNoise 大人物A Bit Thick 太过分A Catch in It 个中有蹊跷A Dark Horse 黑马A Dog in the Manger 占着茅坑不拉屎的人A Doubting Thomas 怀疑一切的人A Fisherman's Tale 夸大其词A Flash in the Pan 昙花一现A Fly on the Wheel 妄自尊大的人A Golden Handshake 丰厚的离职金A Law ofthe Medes and Persians 不可更改的规定或习俗A Leg up 鼓励;支持A Man of Parts 有才华的人A New Broom 刚上任的新官A Penny for Your Thoughts 告诉我你在想什么A Roland for an Oliver 有力的还击;以牙还牙的报复A Rolling Stone 见异思迁的人A Roman Holiday 从别人的痛苦中取乐;幸灾乐祸A Run for One's Money 激烈的竞争A Shot in the Dark 凭空猜想A Thorn in the Hesh/Sides 麻烦A Walkover 举手之劳A Wet Blanket 令人扫兴的人或事A Whipping Boy 替罪羊A White Day 吉日A White Elephant 累赘A White Lie 善意的谎言A White Night 不眠之夜A chilles'Heel 唯一的致命弱点Add Insult to Injury 雪上加霜Age before Beauty 长者在前All There 头脑清醒All This and Heaven Too 锦上添花All Yours 请便吧An Axe to Grind 另有所图Apple of Discord 祸根Apple of Sodom 死海之果Apple-pie Order 井井有条Armed to the Teeth 武装到牙齿;全副武装As Pbor as a Church Mouse 一贫如洗As Sure as Eggs Is Eggs 毫无疑问As They Make Them ……到了家At It 忙个不停At Sea 困惑At the Drop of a Hat 立即Aunt Sally 众矢乏的Be overthe Moon 心花怒放Be up a Gum Tree 进退两难Beard the Lion 摸老虎屁股Before the Flood 很久以前Beggar Description 无法形容Beside the Mark 不相关Be-all and End-all 终极目的Big Hand 长时间的热烈鼓掌Birds of a Feather 一丘之貉Bite Off More than One Can Chew 不自量力Blad Cattle 菜牛Black Sheep 害群之马Blackball 投反对票Blot One's Copybook 玷污自己的名声Brass Hat 要人Bread-and-butter Letter 感谢款待的信柬Bring down the House 博得满堂喝彩Butter Somebody Up 奉承某ByWith the Skin of One's Teeth 勉强Bye-byes 睡觉Call over the Coals 责备Can't Say“BOO”to a Goose 胆怯得不敢开口Cap in Hand 牟躬屈膝Carry the Can 代人受过Carry the Day 获胜Cast One's Bread upon the Waters 真心行善不图报Cast Pearls before Swine 对牛弹琴Cast the First Stone 率先批评Cat's Paw 傀儡;受人操纵的工具Chapter and Verse 确切的依据Cheese It 住手Chew the Cud 深思熟虑Chicken Feed 小意思CoM Shoulder 冷遇;冷落Come down to Earth 面对现实Come out in the Wash 水落石出Cool One's Heels 久等Cross One's Fingers 祈求好运Cross One's Heart and Hope to Die 发毒誓Cross the Rubicon 痛下决心;破釜沉舟Cry Wolf 发假警报Cut No Ice 不起作用Cut the Knot 快刀斩乱麻Dead as a Doornail 死气沉沉Dead to the Wide 精疲力竭Dirt Cheap 非常便宜Do a Moonlight 夜半逃租Do SomebodyProud 盛情款待Do the Trick 有效Dock 扣钱Doll Up 打扮得花枝招展DonkeyJacket 风雨衣Donkey's Ears 很久Down Under 澳新地区Draw a Blank 一无所获Dress Oneselfup to the Nine 盛装打扮Drop Somebody a Line 给某人短信EatLive High on the Hog 生活富裕Egghead “臭老九”Every Inch 在各方面Eyes Bigger than One's Beny 眼宽肚窄Fair Game“下饭菜”Fall on One's FeetLegs 逢凶化吉Fancy-free 无忧无虑Feed the Kitty 集资Fiddle While Rome Burns 黄鹤楼上看翻船Field Day 展示的机会nne Feathers Make Fine Birds 人靠衣装鸟靠羽Flat Out 竭尽全力Fly in the Ointment 美中不足Follow Suit 亦步亦趋For the High Jump 将受严征For the Sake of Thirty Silver Coins 见利忘义Free Fight 混战From the Housetops 公开地From the Word“Go” 从一开始Get One's Goat 使某人恼怒Get the Drop on 先发制人Get-at-able 够碍着的Gild the Lily 画蛇添足GM Friday 得力的女秘书Give Somebody His Head 由某人自作主张Go Great Guns 全力以赴Go Like Hot Cakes 热销……
The book tell us something about the English idiom basing on the English word.