习语是英语的重要组成部分,是听、说、读、写的基础。即使你熟知英语语法,也背会了许多英语单词,但是,不掌握英语习语,你仍然无法川英语成功交流。 英语习语反映了英、美文化,传递着历史、地理、宗教信仰、生活习俗等丰富的文化信息。准确掌握英语习语,有助于深刻理解英语中的文化内涌;对习语的正确使用,让你的英语地道和传神。 习语足一种特殊的语言形式,是相对同定的表达,你无法根据字面意义推断其真实含义。如果你像大多数英语学习者一样,对英语习语的学习感到“枯燥”,而且常常“学了后面,忘了前面,怎么都记不住”,那么,本书会帮您消除苦恼! 本书共30章,每章分如下6个板块: 1.会话学习语用一则地道、有趣的英语会话,让读者充分体会5个常用英语习语在生活中的自然使用。 2.习语释义中、英文解释+经典例句,加深读者对所学习语的理解。 3.句型操练对会话中的3个精彩句型举一反三。 4.巩固训练在练习中对所学英语习语的记忆和掌握。 5.活学活用检验对所学习语的理解和实际运用能力。 6.交际文化介绍与会话内容相关的英关文化和交际技巧。 在每5章后面,我们还为大家精心设计了一个阅读单元,将前5章所学的所有习语巧妙运用于一篇十分有趣的英语故事中,并通过每个故事后面的5个阅读检验题,考查读者对前面内容的掌握。 通过我们的“一天一章六步走”和“五天一读测一测”,您每天只花10分钟,就可以30天轻松搞定150个常用英语习语了!这就是“一样的英语习语,不一样的学”啊!怎么样,咱们试试吧?
习语是英语的重要组成部分,是听、说、读、写的基础。准确掌握英语习语,有助于深刻理解英语中的文化内涵,使我们的英语地道和传神。 习语又是一种特殊的语言形式,是相对固定的表达,你无法根据字面意义推断其真实含义,所以是英语学习中的难点。想轻松掌握英语习语吗?那么看我们的美国老师是如何教的吧!每天只花10分钟,30天完全掌握150个英语习语!
Unit 1 What great luck!运气真好!Unit 2 One more dance?再来一曲?Unit 3 Office talk办公室里的闲话Unit 4 Heavy rain大雨Unit 5 Waiting for a call等电话Reading 1 Cousin Bob堂兄鲍勃Unit 6 It's cold in here!这里好冷!Unit 7 Almost an accident差点儿出事Unit 8 You call that fashion?你把那称为时尚?Unit 9 Too much pressure压力过大Unit 10 After the test考试以后Reading 2 Basketball with the boss与老板打篮球Unit 11 Hurry up!赶快!Unit 12 On the plane在飞机上Unit 13 On the beach在海滩Unit 14 After a great meal美餐一顿以后Unit 15 Back home回家Reading 3 Starting a new chapter开始新生活Unit 16 That's a lot of DVDs!好多碟片啊!Unit 17 I need a new car.我需要一辆新车。Unit 18 Tastes in music音乐的品味Unit 19 Feeling confused感到困惑Unit 20 Ken or Steve?该选谁呢,肯还是斯蒂夫?Reading 4 Distractions 烦心事Unit 21 Let's get started.咱们开始吧。Unit 22 Neatandmessy一个爱整洁,一个很邋遢Unit 23 Getting help at school在学校得到帮助Unit 24 What was that noise?那声音是怎么回事?Unit 25 The missing essay失踪的论文Reading 5 Road triP公路旅行Unit 26 So much to learn有那么多东西要学Unit 27 DVDs for rent光盘出租Unit 28 Big news特大新闻Unit 29 A picture can say a lot.照片足以说明。Unit 30 Dreaming of space太空梦想Reading 6 Summer works暑期工作Reference Answers参考答案List of Idioms索引
"Hey, Jake!" Lita said. "Hows it going?" "Pretty good. Im kind of up to my ears in work, though, "he answered. "Too bad. Maybe you bit off more than you can chew." "Naah, Im fine." "Oh, brace yourself, Ive got big news," Lita said. "Youve been here every day, so you probably havent heard yet." "What is it? Spill the beans," Jake said. He was starting to get nervous, since he wasnt supposed to chat with peoplewhile working. "OK, here it is. Randy and Jennifer split up!" Lita said. "No way! I guess lots of stuff is going on this summer, "Jake said, somewhat upset that he was missing out on so much while working. "Take a couple of days off then," Lita suggested. "Abunch of us want to go camping." "Well...No, I better give it a skip. You guys have a goodtime," he said. "As you wish. Bye, Jake!" Lita said as she drove off. Since Jake was working so much, the summer went by very quickly. New employees were hired now and then, and Jake was asked to help them learn the ropes. Still, there was one big problem. Even though Jake was working hard, it wasnt possible for him to save enough money to buy a new car, or even a good used car. He talked to his father about his problem. "Dad, it doesnt look like Im going to make it." "What do you mean?" his father asked. "About the car. Ive worked almost every day this summer,but Ive only got a few thousand saved. I dont want to buy areally junky car thats going to break down after a few months." "Have you been looking for good deals in the paper?" hisfather asked. "Oh yeah, every week. Theres this one 1997 Honda. Its
一天一章六步走,五天一读测一测,每天10分钟。30天轻松搞定150个英语习语! 一、一天一章六步走 1.会话学习语用一则地道、有趣的英语会话,让读者充分体会5个常用英语习语在生活中的自然使用。 2.习语释义中、英文解释+经典例句,加深读者对所学习语的理解。 3.句型操练对会话中的3个精彩句型举一反三。 4.巩固训练在练习中巩固对所学英语习语的记忆和掌握。 5.活学活用检验对所学习语的理解和实际运用能力。 6.会话技巧,交际文化介绍与会话内容相关的交际技巧和英美文化。 二、五天一读测一测 在每5章后面,我们还为大家精心设计了一个阅读单元,将前5章所学的所有习语自然运用于一篇有趣的故事中去,并通过故事后面的阅读检验题,考查读者对前面内容的掌握。