陈马利 编
听和读一样,是人们学习语言的重要途径。在目前的中学英语教学中,虽然阅读深受重视,但是如何提高听力水平也是广大师生不可不面对的实际问题。在各地中、高考英语试卷中,听力所占的比重都达到甚至超过了20%,也就是说不少于整个试卷的五分之一,分量之大让我们不敢对其有半点马虎!况且,由于占据试卷第一题的重要位置,听力题完成的好坏直接影响到考生后面各题的发挥,因此其重要性是不言而喻的。 鉴于听力的重要性和考试大纲对听力的要求,为了有效提高同学们的英语听力水平及考场解题能力,我们特组织湖北省各重点中学的资深一线教师及英语教研员,以他们丰富的教学及备考经验为基础,以中学英语新课标及中、高考英语新考纲为指南,为中学生精心编写了这套《听无忧英语听力训练》丛书!该丛书具有以下几个主要特点: 1.贴近教学难度适中本丛书针对人教社现行中学英语教材,按单元编写,难度与各学段的教学要求保持一致,但内容更加丰富,是课堂教学的很好补充。 ……
《英语听力训练:高中(选修11)(配人教版)》具有以下特色: 1.贴近教学难度适中 《英语听力训练:高中(选修11)(配人教版)》针对人教社现行中学英语教材,按单元编写,难度与各学段的教学要求保持一致,但内容更加丰富,是课堂教学的很好补充。 2.选材精当符合兴趣听力训练是一项枯燥乏味的事情,听力材料的选择会直接影响学生“听”的积极性和听力训练的效果。为了让同学们在听力训练中始终保持浓厚的兴趣,达到良好的训练效果,《英语听力训练:高中(选修11)(配人教版)》根据中学各学段学生的认知特点及兴趣爱好,精心挑选贴近时代和中学生生活实际的听力材料,不仅让同学们乐意听、成绩提升快,而且还能从中学到多方面的英语知识。 3.紧扣“课标” 瞄准中、高考 本书的训练量设计为每单元由两套“听力训练”组成,每套“听力训练”的题型及题量与中、高考有效对接,不仅使同学们在平时训练中也能找到考场感觉,而且方便老师进行检测,使老师和学生都用着十分顺手。 4.设题严谨以一当十本丛书设题严谨、巧妙、科学,能迅速找出同学们平时学习中的漏洞,符合各地中、高考的设题要求。同学们通过使用本书,不仅可以迅速提高自己的英语听力水平及英语综合能力,而且能在名师的指导下把握最新中、高考趋势,为决胜中、高考打下坚实的基础。
Unit 1 New Zealand听力训练1听力训练2Unit 2 Detective stories听力训练1听力训练2Unit 3 Finding the correct perspective听力训练1听力训练2Unit 4 Legends of ancient Greece听力训练1听力训练2Unit 5 Lauching your career听力训练1听力训练2综合测试1综合测试2参考答案录音文稿
Text 6 W: Tom, it's time to get up, or you'Il be late for school. M: I see. Mom, open the window to let some fresh air in please. W: All right. Look, it's strange. Who's that man with the black bag? M: What? Let me have a look. Where? I can't see a man with a black bag. W: He is there, on the street comer. M: Oh, that man. I've never met him before. Maybe he is a stranger. W: A stranger? But he's been around here for hours. Remember not to talk with him. Text 7 M: Hello, my name's David Parker. I'm calling about the apartment advertised in the paper. Can you tell me something about it? W: Yes, it's a one-bedroom apartment, with a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony. M: Where is it located? W: It's on Montreal Road. M: Is it fumished? W: Yes, it is furnished with sofas, a dining table, chairs and some appliances. M: How much is the rent? W: It's five hundred dollars per month, including utilities. M: You mean gas, electricity and heat? W: Yes, that's right. M: Is there anything like management fees or parking fees? W: The management fee is included in the rent. But parking is fifty dollars a month. M: Can I come and have a look at it today? W: Yes, how about one o'clock this afiernoon? M: One o'clock sounds fine. See you then. W: See you. Text 8 W: Dr. Brown, you are working with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. Would you please tell our listeners something about the diseases recently spreading among animals? M: Well, animal diseases were reported recently in the Middle East, Afiica and Europe. Some of the diseases are deadly. The UN officials give two reasons for animal diseases spreading. One is the increasing intemational trade in animals and animal products. The other is the movement of people and animals from country to country. W: How can we prevent and treat animal diseases? M: Well, no country can claim to be safe from animal diseases. Medical care of animals is very important. W: Do animal diseases kill human beings? M: Yes. It was reported that Rifl Valley Fever killed over 30 people in Yemen last month. W: How about the other animal diseases? M: Earlier this year, Italy reported outbreaks of bluetongue. Last month, foot-and-mouth disease was reported in South Africa. In just one month, 36,000 head of cattle were killed to control the disease. Text 9 M: Wow, Amy, you have so many clocks in your bedroom! W: You know. Ijust want to make sure I can wake up in the morning. M: But is there something wrong with your clocks? None of them has the same time. W: I do it on purpose. I set the red clock ahead ten minutes, and the blue one back ten minutes, but I always set the orange one to the right time. M: It's quite interesting. So the alarms ring every ten minutes? W: Absolutely. M: Why do you set them like that? W: Because I am a heavy sleeper. I need thunder to wake me up. ……