蒂尔堡奥蒂斯纺织品博物馆 宝马博物馆 丹麦犹太人博物馆 丁格芬博物馆 “从东方来——以撒与白象”陈列 德国格拉苏蒂手表博物馆 抵抗运动历史博物馆 易卜生博物馆 洛杉矶大屠杀博物馆 敦巴顿橡树园主屋博物馆改造及新图书馆工程 梅赛德斯—奔驰博物馆 艾斯当基洛博物馆 伊斯坦布尔现代博物馆 盖洛德—皮肯斯俄克拉何马遗产博物馆 保罗·贝尔蒙多博物馆 圣像博物馆 间谍科技陈列设计 维多利亚和艾伯特博物馆 维旺/西米亚科学博物馆 方舟现代艺术博物馆扩建工程 根津美术馆 拉姆——里尔近现代和界外艺术博物馆 加利福尼亚科学院展览 昆虫世界博物馆 阿尔贝托·马提尼博物馆 荷兰非洲博物馆 脊椎动物——进化的成功者陈列设计 埃森纳赫巴赫展览馆 上海汽车博物馆——移动的历史 IWC钟表博物馆 动影像博物馆扩建和翻修 肯·福拉米斯博物馆 睡魔祭博物馆 沃特·迪斯尼家族博物馆 陆荣昌亚洲博物馆 那罗纳考古博物馆 国家纺织品工业博物馆 桑腾罗马人博物馆 道尼尔博物馆 马克马努斯敦提画廊与博物馆 拉皮达瑞博物馆 上海油雕院美术馆 索引
版权页: 插图: 德国格拉苏蒂手表博物馆 The German Watch Museum is situated in Glash0tte,the German capital of high-value mechanical clocks.Here in Saxony,bordering the Ore Mountains (Erzgebirge),quality clocks have been crafted and sold all over the world since the middle of the 19th century.This is a scenographically staged exhibition in the former school of watch making,illustrating the history of Olashutte's watch industry across an exhibition area of 1,000 square metres.Besides the presentation of precious timepieces and documents,the German Watch Museum strives for visitors to experience time within space. Atelier Bruckner developed a staged pathway with "Historical Rooms" and "Time Rooms",which give a rhythmicai tempo to the museum.The intersection free pathway leads the visitors through ground floor and first floor of the building and acts as a historic foil against which the art of watch manufacturing unfolds.The museum's content is reflected by the expressive,contentgenerated spatial images,which-according to their "timing"-are staged either with analogue or digital media: Historical Rooms work with analogue means,and special digital formats have been developed for the Time Rooms,Both spatial concepts are interacfiveiy conceived and involve the visitors. A consistent graphic style links the rooms optically and leads,as a signage system,through the museum.The visitors experience the exhibition alongside a timeline,which chronologically connects the so-called Historical Rooms.These are designed as daylit rooms with a strong spatial narrative.Each room expresses a statement ot one period of Glashutte"s watch industry For example,the room "School of Watch Making"is modelled on a historic situation; several worktables are lined up,among them one original table.Thus the exhibits presented are put into an authentic context.