王怀经,刘勇 著
The fifth edition of the Textbook of Regional Anatomy remains essential unchanged from the original style and formation of the fourth edition. The whole book consists of the introduction and eight chapters, the head, neck, upper limb, lower limb, thorax, abdomen, pelvis and perineum, and the back and vertebral region. In each chapter, the first section is introduction, the last sections is cross-section anatomy of each part of the body, the each of rest sections includes the dissection and observation, main contents and clinical notes.
INTRODUCTIONⅠ. Anatomic TerminologyⅡ. Parts of the BodyⅢ. The Basic Structures of the Human BodyⅣ. The Cadaver and the Dissecting LaboratoryⅤ. Method of DissectionⅥ. Hints on Studying1 THE HEADSection 1 IntroductionⅠ. Boundaries and DivisionsⅡ. Surface AnatomySection 2 The FaceⅠ. The Superficial Part of the FaceⅠ) Dissection and ObservationⅡ) Main ContentsⅢ) Clinical NotesⅡ. The Deep Part of the Lateral FaceⅠ) Dissection and ObservationⅡ) Main ContentsⅢ) Clinical NotesSection 3 The CraniumⅠ. The Frontoparietooccipital RegionⅠ) Dissection and ObservationⅡ) Main ContentsⅡ. The Temporal RegionⅠ) Dissection and ObservationⅡ) Main ContentsⅢ. The Cranial CavityⅠ) Dissection and ObservationⅡ) Main ContentsⅣ. Clinical NotesSection 4 Cross-Sectional Anatomy of the HeadⅠ. Cross-Section Through the Centrum SemiovaleⅡ. Cross-Section Through the Anterior CommissureⅢ. Cross-Section Through the HypophysisⅣ. Cross-Section Through the Uvula and the Palatine Tonsil2 THE NECK3 THE UPPER LIMB4 THE LOWER LIMB5 THE THORAX6 THE ABDOMEN7 THE PELVIS AND PERINEUM8 THE BACK AND VERTEBRAL REGION