朱海峰,陈志祥 编
《通城学典·活页检测:英语(9年级下)(外研版)》主要特点: 1.新颖——《通城学典·活页检测:英语(9年级下)(外研版)》每单元设置一个练习,每个练习均设置分值,相当于一份“微型试卷”,以及时反馈课堂教学效果,帮助学生夯实双基。《通城学典·活页检测:英语(9年级下)(外研版)》题目素材力求与学生的生活实际及时代精神相适应,以充分激发学生的学习兴趣,提升其运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力。 2.全面——本书按照教参要求及教学一线的实际情况划分课时,在设置新授课时的基础上,部分学科还设有练习课时(或复习课时),以确保课时设置全面合理。模块检测部分包括模块、期中、期末检测卷及期末复习专题检测卷,以关注学习、测评全过程,及时巩固各阶段的教学成果。 3.实用——本书检测内容力求涵盖该阶段所有知识点、能力点,突出重点、难点,并切实做到题量适中、题型丰富、难度合理,以起到应有的练习、检测效果。另外本书还根据一线教学的实际需求,采用了“书”“卷”活页装订的形式,以方便广大师生灵活使用。
单元检测(“书”部分)Module 1 TravelUnit 1 The flight was late.Unit 2 You're sitting in my seat.Unit 3 Language in useModule 2 EducationUnit 1 It was great to see her again.Unit 2 What's the best thing about school?Unit 3 Language in useModule 3 Now and thenUnit 1 People are healthier today.Unit 2 We weren't very rich, but we were happy.Unit 3 Language in useUnit 1 I really like these shoes.Unit 2 What helps you choose the clothes you like?Unit 3 Language in useModule 5 Rules and suggestionsUnit 1 You must keep to the pathUnit 2 You mustn't move.Unit 3 Language in useModule 6 Look after yourself!Unit 1 He has had an accident.Unit 2 You should always go with someone.Unit 3 Language in useModule 7 Eating togetherUnit 1 When's the school leavers' party?Unit 2 Knives and forks are used for most foodUnit 3 Language in useModule 8 On the townUnit 1 I was pleased to see it.Unit 2 It's a wonderful town!Unit 3 Language in useModule 9 English for you and meUnit 1 I'm proud of what I've learnt.Unit 2 We all own English.Unit 3 Language in useModule 10 My future lifeUnit 1 I'm going to miss my classmates.Unit 2 I wish you success for the future.Unit 3 Language in use模块检测(“卷”部分)第一模块检测卷第二模块检测卷第三模块检测卷第四模块检测卷第五模块检测卷期中检测卷第六模块检测卷第七模块检测卷第八模块检测卷第九模块检测卷第十模块检测卷期末复习专题检测卷(词汇)期末复习专题检测卷(句子)期末复习专题检测卷(语法)期末复习专题检测卷(完形填空与阅读理解)期末检测卷参考答案单元检测部分模块检测部分