

《全优学习》编委会 编 晨光





《全优学习》编委会 编  




  一套完备的学习方案应包括“预习-学习-温习-练习-复习”,全优学习方案正是这样的一套方案,它以“学前、学中、学后全程知识管理”为设计原则,以“学、练、测”一体化构建出一个统一有效的学习系统。三个部分在内容上相互衔接,相互补充,共同组成了一个和谐的学习乐章。  学的环节设计了字词诠解-学习目标一知识点概述一句子欣赏-语法精讲-例题剖析等栏目,满足了学习者“学前”预习和学中。师生进行有效互动的需求。  练的环节主要表现为全优训练。这一栏目,满足了学习者“学后。温习和练习的需要。每章节根据教材和中考的训练要求,合理设置题型、题量和梯度,使学习者具有事半功倍的训练效果。  测的环节设计了单元测试卷和期中、期末测试卷,满足了复习与检测的要求。教师可以用它来检测学生的学习效果,学生可以自检自查。此外,活页设计,妙在实用。《全优学习》与其他同类书的不同之处题目鲜活,蕴藏丰富的新课改内容。  所选题目主要来源为:(1)由具有丰富教学经验的教学一线老师命制的具有时代特点、密切联系生活实际的原创题;(2)经过长期教学实践,具有很强的开放探究性、渗透新课标理念的经典题;(3)全国各地最新的中考试题。基础提高两不误。  本书不仅有对教材“三基”知识点的讲解与训练,还有将教材中的知识点进行综合提高总结的开放拓展训练,使学习者在夯实基础的前提下,全面提高学习成绩。书中有课外美文的赏析、综合方法的总结、重点题型的归纳以及专项内容的讲座,综合性极强,目标瞄准中考。测试卷活页装订,使用方便。  在课时训练的基础上,精心设计了单元测试卷和期中、期末测试卷,及时检查学习效果,进一步提升能力。活页装订、单独成册的形式,使用起来非常方便。




Unit 1 How do you study for a test?Section ASection B & SeIf CheckHow do we deal with our problems?单元综合提升Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the darkSection ASection B & SeIf CheckHe used to cause a lot of trouble单元综合提升Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothesSection ASection B & SeIfCheckShould I be allowed to make my own decisions?单元综合提升Unit 4 What would you do?Section ASection B&SeIf CheckWhat would you do if?单元综合提升Unit 5 It must belong to CarlaSection ASection B & SeIf Check单元综合提升Unit 6 I like music that i can dance toSection ASection B SeIfCheckI only eat food that tastes gout单元综合提升Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?Section ASection B &SeIf CheckI'd love to sail across the Pacific单元综合提升Unit 8 I'11 help clean up the city parksSection ASection B & SeIfCheckI'11 send you a photo of Lucky单元综合提升Unit 9 When was it invented?Section ASection B & self CheckDo you know when basketball was invented?单元综合提升Unit 10 By the time I got outside,the bus had already leftSection ASection B & SeIf Check单元综合提升Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?Section ASection B & SeIf CheckCould you please lend nle your pen?单元综合提升Unit 12 You're supposed to shake handsSection ASection B&SelfCheckYou're supposed to write quickly!单元综合提升Unit 13 Rainy days make me sadSection ASection B & Self CheckReceiving money makes me uncomfortable单元综合提升Unit 14 Have you packed yet?Section ASection B & SeIf CheckHe's already visited the place where his ancestors lived单元综合提升Unit 15 We're trying to save the manatees!SectioiASection B & SeIf Check单元综合提升活页部分参考答案Unit 1 测试卷Unit 2 测试卷Unit 3 测试卷Unit 4 测试卷Unit 5 测试卷Unit 6 测试卷Unit 7 测试卷Unit 8 测试卷Unit 9 测试卷Unit 10 测试卷Unit 11 测试卷Unit 12 测试卷Unit 13 测试卷Unit 14 测试卷Unit 15 测试卷中考模拟测试卷


  To take good notes, you need to be able to do twothings very quickly: first, you must understand main top-ics; second, your hand must work as fast as your ears sothat you can write down as much information as possible.  You do not have to learn how to write down what youhear. But you do need to practice a few simple skills to helpyou to be good at note-taking. Also, you should learn howto write only the most important words in short form fromeach sentence without taking notice of the rest.  In the old days, people sent telegrams(电报) to eachother. When they did it , they had to pay by the word andit was expensive. That is why they sent very short tele-grams which included only the most important words.Let's compare these two examples.  ……




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