金惠 编
亲爱的同学,你一定知道,要取得好成绩,除了掌握每节课的内容外,每一单元结束时的复习和测评也很重要。通过对本单元所学内容掌握情况的测评,可以及时发现学习中的漏洞,补缺补漏,温故而知新。“同步单元质量测评卷”为你提供了这方面的资料,帮助你全面理解和掌握所学的知识,找到和弥补学习中存在的不足,并达到巩固提高的目的。 本书根据上海二期课改新教材分单元、阶段编写。每一单元、阶段提供A、B两份测评卷,与教学进程同步,其中A卷为紧配教材的基础训练题,B卷为松配教材的能力提高题。帮助学生养成定期复习的好习惯。书中还安排了期中和期末测评卷各两份。 本书的特色:一是试卷紧扣课程标准和教学要求,重基础训练、重能力培养,题型全、试题新。二是除参考答案外,还对部分较难的题目进行方法提示。 我们衷心希望本书能给你的学习助上一臂之力,也希望你能给我们提出宝贵的意见,不断提高本书的质量。
测评卷1 Chapter 1 A卷测评卷2 Chapter 1 B卷测评卷3 Chapter 2 A卷 测评卷4 Chapter 2 B卷测评卷5 Chapter 1~Chapter 2 Test Paper测评卷6 Chapter 3 A卷测评卷7 Chapter 3 B卷测评卷8 Chapter 4 A卷测评卷9 Chapter 4 B卷测评卷10 Chapter 3~Chapter 4 Test Paper测评卷11 Chapter 5 A卷测评卷12 Chapter 5 B卷测评卷13 Chapter 4~Chapter 5 Test Paper测评卷14 Mid-term Examination A卷测评卷15 Mid-term Examination B卷测评卷16 Final Examination A卷测评卷17 Final Examination B卷
Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题): We are Christina,Brittany and Janelle from Pennsylvania.We have provided(提供)a habitat(栖息地)for butterflies in our.area by building a butterfly garden in a park.Wealso teach children and adults about butterflies and about our butterfly garden.Our gardenprovides a quiet place for people to sit in and enjoy the beautiful butterflies and flowers. To make such a garden,we did a lot of research on plants that attract butterflies.Wealso met with the manager of the park and told him our plan.He liked our plan and al-lowed US to make our garden in one corner of the park. Before planting,however,we planned a“Butterfly Story Time”for children from 3 to 6 years of age,This story time was a chance for the children to learn about the life cycle(周期)of a butterfly,and to listen to interesting butterfly stories.We were.told by par-ents that it had been a wonderful time.We had fun doing it mostly because we liked work-ing with younger children. During the time when we made the butterfly garden we had learned a lot about butter-flies and plants.We also learned how to work as a team and how to work to achieve ourgoals.We knew how much one small group could、actually do. Our garden provides a place for butterflies and humans and also adds something spe-cial to the whole park.We are all so thankful that we have had the chance to be part ofsuch a wonderful project.It is truly a once-in-a lifetime event that will not soon be forgot-ten.