
五年高考试题透视 2008~2012(上海卷)

本书编写组 上海科技教育出版社







  《五年中考试题透视:英语(2008~2012)(上海卷)》将近五年的高考试题依年份次序编排,逐年逐题分析。每一年份中每一题依出题背景、解题思路、考题拓展编排。其中出题背景主要是揭示出题者出这一试题的目的,欲考核考生哪些知识点,及其在分析问题、解决问题方面的哪些能力。解题思路给出了如何分析考题、解决问题的方法。考题拓展提供与该考题相关的同类变形题或拓展提高题,供读者练习,以期提高考生解题的应变能力。  《五年中考试题透视:英语(2008~2012)(上海卷)》针对每一考题,分析了出题背景,展示了解题思路,提供了考题拓展练习,并对五年考题作了横向比较和纵向归纳,从中透视出高考考题的奥秘,揭示出每一学科不同知识块中各考点的冷热变化状况,探寻出高考命题的变化轨迹,预测今后高考试题可能的发展方向和考查重点。这样有助于减少教师和学生在复习迎考中的盲目性,加强复习的针对性,减轻考生的负担,提高复习效果。


  (B)  Researchers in the United States say dust clouds from dry African deserts may be a threat to the environment and human health.They say the dust may contain many small organisms(有机物) that could be dangerous to some people.  Each year, huge dust storms form in the Sahara and Sahel deserts of northern Africa.Winds carry the dust across the Atlantic Ocean.The movement of dust across the Atlantic Ocean has been increasing in recent years because of longer periods without rain in Africa.  From February to April, the dust settles in South America.From June to October, the winds change and transport the dust to North America, Central America and the Caribbean(加勒比海地 区).The dust clouds travel several thousand meters above sea level.It takes five to seven days for the dust to cross the Atlantic Ocean.  Researchers have long known that the dust clouds could travel long distances.But they thought few microorganisms could survive the trip because of damaging ultraviolet radiation(紫外线) from the sun.Researchers now believe that the dust clouds block enough of the light to pro-tect viruses, bacteria, and fungi in the dust.  Researchers say these microorganisms may be a health risk to some people.About half the bacteria and fungi that survive the trip from Africa are known to cause disease in people or plants.  More than half of the dust that reaches the United States settles in the state of Florida.For many years, it has caused the skies there to turn red.Now researchers say there may be a link be-tween the dust storms and increased health risks in Florida.They believe the dust causes higher rates of asthma, allergies, and other breathing problems in people there.The dust also has been linked to a large increase in lung problems in at least one Caribbean nation.  68.Which statement about African dust storms is TRUE?  A.They form in the north of Africa and move eastwards.  B.They form in the north of Africa and move westwards.  C.They settle in South Africa from February to April.  D.It takes over a week for them to cross the Atlantic Ocean.  69.The worst thing about African dust storm is ____________.  A.the heat they give off         B.the distance they cover  C.the microorganisms they contain  D.the time they last      70.What does the underlined word "survive" mean?  A.Continue to live after.      B.Be able to finish.  C.Miss the chance of.        D.Give up.  71.The best title for this passage is____________.  A.How African Dust Storms Form  B.Dust Storms and Environment .  C.Dust and'Health           D.Dust Storms and Human Beings  ……




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