1. New Year' s Day
2. Mozart
3. Christopher Columbus
4. Robert Bmce, King of Scotland
5. James Watt
6. Public Holidays
7. The Great Pyramid
8. The Largest and Most Populous
9. The Brave Three Hundred
10. Asians in America
11. The High Speed Train Race
12. The European Community or EC
13. Rotterdam - Europe' s Largest Port
14. American Valentine's Day
15. American Valentine Presents
l6. American Valentine Decorations
16. American Valentine Etiquette
l8. Saint Patrick' s Day
l9. Easter in the United States
20. Origin of Easter
21. Easter Customs (I)
22. Easter Customs (II)
23. Independence Day (I)
24. Independence Day (II)
25. The Story of the Liberty Bell
26. HaUoween (I)
27. Halloween (II)
28. Origin of Thanksgiving Day
29. Evolution of Thanksgiving Day
30. Customs of Thanksgiving
31. American Christmas Holiday (I)
32. American Christmas Holiday ( II )
33. Customs Origins and Behaviors of Christmas (I)
34. Customs Origins and Behaviors of Christmas (II)
35. The Weather in England
36. States of the United States (I)
37. States of the United States (II)
38. The Pentagon
39. What's Typically British?
40. Emily Dickinson - Poet from a Room
41. George Washington
42. Washington, D.C(l)
43. Washington, D.C.(II)
44. How Americans Eat and Drink
45. Piccadilly Circus
46. Cape Kennedy
47. The Tower of London
48. Cleopatra' s Needle
49. Hollywood
50. How New York Became America' s Largest City?
51 .The Channel Tunnel(I)
52. The Channel Tunnel(II)
53. The Houses of Parliament
54. Religions and Sects (I)
55. Religions and Sects(II)
56. Religions and Sects (III)