张亦平,韩永千 著
“阅读首先是为了得到乐趣,为了获取信息。”从阅读中我们可以学习语法、词汇,更重要的是可以获取新的知识、获取信息、提高认知水平、增强分析和解决问题的能力。英语阅读教学在英语教学中占有相当重要的位置。在各级各类英语测试里,阅读理解都占有很大的分量。换句话说,英语阅读理解能力的高低在很大程度上反映一个人英语水平的高低,决定英语考试的成败。 为了有效地配合初中英语教学,使学生在有限的时间内尽快提高英语阅读水平,我们组织了富有教学经验的一线英语教师编写了这本书。本书将趣味性、知识性和实用性紧密结合在一起,图文并茂,有着鲜明的时代感。书中广泛地选取了各种文体,多角度、多方位地为学生提供了生动有趣的阅读素材,适合于使用各种版本英语教材的初中学生。这些材料既可供班级集体进行英语阅读训练,也可供学生根据自己的时间安排来自读自测。 本书设有“主题导读”“词典在线”和“参考答案与解析”等几个栏目,目的在于通过这几个栏目,有效地提高学生阅读理解能力,为今后进一步学好英语这门功课打下坚实的基础。 在本书的编写过程中,我们参考了大量国内外有关英语学习的资料,从中吸取了有关的研究成果,在此,向各位原作者表示谢意。本书的初衷是帮助初中学生提高英语阅读能力,进而学好英语,在英语考试中取得优异成绩,但由于水平有限,其中难免存在一些问题甚至错误,恳请广大读者和专家批评指正,以便修订和完善。我们在此表示衷心的感谢。
Daniel Tammet has an amazing brain. He can calculate huge sums in a few seconds and learn a new language in one week. He even holds the record for reciting pi to 22,514 decimal places. But he has trouble telling left from right. He is what we call a savant. Daniel was born on January 31,1979 in London. When he was little, he liked counting the numbers in hopscotch and studying tree leaves. Other boys thought he was strange, so Daniel had few friends. But when he grew up, numbers became his best friends. "Numbers are always around me. When I get unhappy, I close my eyes and count. I can see numbers as shapes, colors and pictures in my head. Each has its own personality. 1 is bright white,5 is loud,6 is like a hole,9 is very tall,89 makes me think of falling snow,4 is shy and quiet——its my favorite number because it reminds me of my- self," Daniel says. Numbers are his first language, but Daniel also has many other languages in his head : English, French, Finnish, German, Spanish, Romanian and so on. Daniel can learn a new language very quickly. Once he learnt Icelandic and after a weeks time, he was able to chat like a native speaker. What an incredible brain Daniel has!