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为解决这一状况,我们从牛津大学出版社引进了这套教师教学指导丛书。本套丛书从听、说、读、写、文化、课堂用语等不同技能培训角度出发,各通过30课基础级课程(每一课有教学法框架,包括非常具体的教学目标、教学过程设计、学生活动等),用清晰易懂的语言为渴望提高自己的教学技巧的教师提供了一个可操作的教学模式。无需采用高级的教学资源,覆盖典型的话题和语言点,这些话题如问候、个人信息、家庭、身体部位、食品、颜色、数字、国家等,与主流教材的话题基本吻合;语言点也是典型的初级教程中都能找到的。 最重要的是本套书为那些缺少培训和帮助的教师们提供了一种教学框架。同时,我们希望并期待这些教师刚开始时可以严格地按照课文中的每一步去做,但随着自信心的增强,他们能适应并扩充书中提供的方法,来满足不同学生的要求。编者对讲解性的语言采用中英对照的形式,而对所设计的活动本身及例句、篇章保留原汁原味的英语。希望本套书能满足广大教师特别是缺乏培训和教学资源的教师需要。
前言导言(1)1 Greetings and introductions 问候与介绍(6)2 The alphabet 字母表(8)3 Numbers 数字(10)4 Telling the time 报时(12)5 Personal information 个人信息(14)6 Countries 国家(16)7 Nationalities 国籍(18)8 Locating objects 物体定位(20)9 Feelings 感觉(22)10 Families 家庭(24)11 Colours 色彩(26)12 Shapes 形状(28)13 Parts ofthe body 身体部位(30)14 Describing people 人物描述(32)15 Clothes 衣着(34)16 Rooms 房间(36)17 Furniture 家具(38)18 In town 城镇(40)19 Directions 行路指引(42)20 In the market 集市上(44)21 Shopping 购物(46)22 Food and drink 食品与饮料(48)23 Leisure activities 休闲活动(50)24 Daily routines 日常活动(52)25 Jobs 职业(54)26 Housework 家务(56)27 Abilities 能力(58)28 Rules:‘must’and‘mustn’t 规则:“必须”与“不准”(60)29 Describing actions 1 行为描述1(62)30 Describing actions 2 行为描述2(64)
Tell the learners that you need some actors, and ask for four or fivevolunteers. Ask them to come outside the door with you. Tell themthat they are bank robbers, and that they are going to act out arobbery. Give them the bag of clothes you have brought in, and askthem to disguise themselves. They can also swap some of their ownclothes if they like. Then tell them that the classroom is a bank, andthat you are a cashier. You will be sitting at your desk. After oneminute they should run in and demand money. You will give it tothem, and they should take it and run out again.Go back into the class and tell them, 'This is a bank and I am thecashier.' Ask a few learners to come up and stand in a queue at thedesk. Pretend to be dealing with the first 'customer' when the'robbers' run in.When the 'robbers' have taken the money and gone out again, askthe class to discuss in pairs what they saw. Ask them if they canremember what the robbers were wearing, and then tell them towrite a description of what they saw for the police.When the robbers have changed into their normal clothes andcome back into the room, tell them to try and remember what theywere all wearing, and write a description too.Get the learners to work in pairs or small groups and discuss whatthey have written. Ask them if all their descriptions of the robbersare the same. ……