

雷兵 编 上海教育出版社





雷兵 编  




  《新体验实用英语——学学练练》(第三册)是《新体验实用英语——综合教程》(第三册)的同步自学练习用书,是教程内容的扩展和延伸。本书紧扣《新体验实用英语——综合教程))(第三册)各单元的教学内容与体例,力求巩固和扩大教材所设计的听、说、读、写、译等语言技能的训练,促进词汇、语法等语言知识与用法的学习和提高。  《新体验实用英语——学学练练))(第三册)的编排模式融合了《新体验实用英语——综合教程》(第三册)和全国高等学校应用能力考试B级的形式,因此它是配合综合教程供学生自主学习的好伴侣。本书由8个单元的自学练习、2个自测试题和一个应用能力考试B级模拟测试题组成,各单元的自学练习内容由听力理解、词汇语法、阅读理解、中英互译和应用写作等5部分组成。  听力理解由问题回答、对话理解、段落词汇填空等三部分组成。词汇语法练习包括短语中英搭配、词汇和短语的填空和选择、适当形式填空等部分。阅读理解部分则包含选择、短文阅读填空和中英惯用法的搭配。翻译操练及应用写作是教材内容的补充和扩大,以达到巩固所学知识的目的。  本书加编了3套自测模拟考题。其中根据1至4单元内容、5至8单元内容,各配一套自测试题,并参照英语应用能力B级考试大纲,配模拟试题一套,以期强化归纳语言知识,使学生熟悉标准化考试的形式和内容。  全书练习突出语言技能和语言知识的综合训练,强调在听力训练的基础上进行阅读和写译技能的训练,听写、词汇等练习与教材密切配合,以达到复习巩固教材学习内容的目的。学学、练练、测测结合,能激发学生课外自学英语的积极性。  《新体验实用英语——学学练练》(第三册)是学好((新体验实用英语——综合教程》(第三册)的重要辅学必备材料,它可以帮助学生复习所学内容,扩大练习园地,开阔知识视野,提高学习兴趣。将教材与练习册很好地配合使用,一定会取得事半功倍的效果。


  《新体验实用英语:学学练练(第3册)》加编了3套自测模拟考题。其中根据1至4单元内容、5至8单元内容,各配一套自测试题,并参照英语应用能力B级考试大纲,配模拟试题一套,以期强化归纳语言知识,使学生熟悉标准化考试的形式和内容。  全书练习突出语言技能和语言知识的综合训练,强调在听力训练的基础上进行阅读和写译技能的训练,听写、词汇等练习与教材密切配合,以达到复习巩固教材学习内容的目的。学学、练练、测测结合,能激发学生课外自学英语的积极性。


Unit one Vocational EducationPart One Listening ComprehensionPart Two Vocabulary and StructurePart Three Reading ComprehensionPart Four TranslationPart Five WritingUnitTwo Management and EfficiencyPart One Listening ComprehensionPart Two Vocabulary and StructurePart Three Reading ComprehensionPart Four TranslationPart Five WritingUnit Three Behavior and Man nersPart One Listening ComprehensionPart Two Vocabulary and StructurePart Three Reading ComprehensionPart Four TranslationPart Five WritingUnit Four Environmental ProtectionPart One Listening ComprehensionPart Two Vocabulary and StructurePart Three Reading ComprehensionPart Four TranslationPart Five WritingUnit Five Human RelationshipPart One Listening ComprehensionPart Two Vocabulary and StructurePart Three Reading ComprehensionPart Four TranslationPart Five WritingUnit Six Understanding SciencePart One Listening ComprehensionPart Two Vocabulary and StructurePart Three Reading ComprehensionPart Four TranslationPart Five WritingUnit Seven AdvertisementPart One Listening ComprehensionPart Two Vocabulary and StructurePart Three Reading ComprehensionPart Four TranslationPart Five WritingUnit Eight Looking around the WorldPart One Listening ComprehensionPart Two Vocabulary and StructurePart Three Reading ComprehensionPart Four TranslationPart Five WritingTest Yourself(Unit 1一Unit 4)PartOne ListeningComprehensionPartTwo VocabularyandStructurePartThree ReadingComprehensionPart Four TranslationPart Five WritingModeI Test(For PRETCO—Level B)PartOne ListeningComprehensionPartTwo VocabularyandStructurePartThree ReadingComprehensionPart Four TranslationPart Five WritingKeysTapescrip


  English people are always saying "please", "thank you" and "sorry". I do, too. It is ahabit. Nothing more. I think we all understand it. Anyway, there is very little harm in it.On the other hand, some people can get very worried if a foreigner forgets to say"please" when he is asking for something. Nowadays it is thought rather formal to shake hands if you are not on business. Youcan tell a great deal from the way people shake hands. Some people try to break yourfingers. With others, it feels as if you are holding a wet fish. So the best kind of handshakeis firm but gentle with a smile at the end of the arm. It is also worth remembering thatpeople tend not to shake hands when parting nor if they have already met. Close friends orrelatives may exchange a quick kiss on the cheek or lips when meeting or parting, butthere is rarely any kissing or embracing between men. Men still tend to open doors forwomen in public. Some girls cant stand that, so nowadays you find more and more womenopening doors for men. I like opening doors for anyonel even myself.  ……




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