董伟、 姚达鸿 上海教育出版社 (2007-01出版)
董伟,姚达鸿 著
It is universally accepted that China during the Tang(618-907)and Song(960-1279)dynasties was more advanced than anywhere else in the world.But for a long time,not many westerners knew about this mysterious Central Dingdom of the Orient. According to historical records,in the 1st century AD,an Egyptian merchant in Alexandria told his friend that he knew of a country to the northeast of the Ganges called“Khit”.That was Khitan,another name of China at that time. In 166 AD,the Roman emperor Mare Aurele(121-180)sent an envoy to China.This was the first contact of a western country with China. In the 5th century AD,Chinese silk was transported to Ceylon(Sri Lanka)and India by boat,and through the hands of persian and Arab merchants,sold very sell in the Mediterranean region.
作者:(法国)董伟 (法国)姚达鸿
THE MAP OF CHINA / La carte de la Chine PREFACE / Preface LATE QING RULERS / Fin du regne des Qing THE LAST EMPERORS / Les demiers empereurs THE MANDARINS / Les mandarins THE BANNER ARMIES / Les armies de bannire THE POLICE / La police CITIES / Villes HONG KONG / Hongkong TSINGTAO (QINGDAO) / Tsingtao (Qingdao) WUHAN / Wuhan. SOOCHOW (SUZHOU) / Suzhou MACAO (AOMEN) / Macao (Aomen) PEKING (BEIJING) / Pekin (Beijing) DAIREN (DALIAN) / Dairen (Dalian) CANTON (GUANGZHOU) / Canton (Guangzhou) LAN TCHEOU (LANZHOU) / Lan Tcheou (Lanzhou) WEIHAI / Weihai SHANGHAI / Shanghai TIENTSIN (TIANJIN) / Tientsin (Tianjin) NANKING (NANJING) / Nankin (Nanjing) CHEFOO (YANTAI) / Chefoo (Yantai) HARBIN (HAERBIN) / Harbin (Haerbin) YuNNANFU (KUNMING) / Yunnanfu (Kunming) AMOY (XIAMEN) / Amoy (Xiamen) DIFFERENT WALKS OF LIFE / Petits metiers COMMERCE AND MONEY / Commerce et la monnaie MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION / Moyens de transport EVERYDAY LIFE / Le quotidien THE PEOPLE / La population CHINESE WEDDING / Le mariage traditionnel CHINESE FUNERAL / Les run,failles CHINESE TRADITIONAL MEDICINE / La medecine chinoise THE PRACTICE OF FOOT BINDING / La coutume des pieds bandes EDUCATION / Education ENTERTAINMENT / Les loisirs RELIGION/La religion YEARS OF TURBULENCE / Les annees de turbulence OPIUM / L'Opium BOXERS / Les Boxeurs A REVOLUTION YET TO BE COMPLETED / Une revolution a poursuivre FOREIGN TROOPS / Les troupes etrangeres APPENDIX / Appendice
After the Manchus gained control over China in 1644 and established the Qing Dynasty,China witnessed a period of great prosperity under the reign of three able Qianlong(reigned 1736-1795).The territory of the empire extended to its greatest limits since the Han Dynasty(206BC-220AD),the Tarim Basin was pacified,the Ili River Valley to the north of the Tianshan Mountains,Tibet and Mongolia were brought under imperial control.Burma,Siam,Korea and Vietnam became China's tributary states.On the domestic front,reduced taxation and massive measures in flood control brought great benefits to the peasants.The country enjoyed a century of domestic peace.Handicratf industries grew at a fast pace,providing more and more abundant consumer goods to the markets promoting both domestic and international trade.China's economy experienced a prosperity never seen in history. 插图: