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《怎样学好牛津英语(6B)(6年级第2学期)》为《怎样学好牛津英语》系列丛书的六年级第二学期用书。《牛津英语》是一套十二年一贯制的教材,在全国多个省市的使用已经获得了巨大成功。那些栩栩如生的卡通造型、丰富多彩的选题内容都已经为同学和老师们所喜爱。同时,由于这套教材以全英文的形式出现,给同学们的预习和课后复习提出了挑战。因此,本着为广大同学服务的目的,我们特意编写了《怎样学好牛津英语》这套系列辅助学习材料,以便大家在预习和复习时能够借鉴和使用。 那我们怎样才能利用好这本书呢?我们就不妨一起来浏览每个单元中的学习内容安排吧! “课文精析”板块为你讲解课文中的各种词汇用法、句型结构和语言现象。 “课文译文”板块为你提供了课文的参考译文。 “学习提示”板块为你选择了内容丰富、资料详实的网络资源,供你在课余挑选使用。
Module 1 The natural elementsUnit I FireUnit 2 AirUnit 3 WaterUnit 4 The EarthModule 2 RelationshipsUnit l RelativesUnit 2 Will you be my friend?Unit 3 Spending a day out togetherModule 3 My neighbourhoodUnit I What job do you want to do?Unit 2 Please visit our school!Unit 3 On the wayUnit 4 Rules around usModule 4 Food and drinksUnit 1 The food we eatUnit 2 Barbecues are funUnit 3 Healthy eatingUnit 4 How do I make it?Keys
The people on the Earth belong to many different countries. We speak many dif- ferent languages and have different ideas. But we are all people born on the Earth. All of us live and die on this planet..We have never known any other home. Men believed for thousands of years that the Earth was the centre of everything. They believed that the Sun and stars moved around us. The old ideas of men should not surprise us. Most of us only believe what we see. Many years passed, and then people knew that our Earth is only a very small part of the universe (宇宙), and it moves around the Sun. What do we know about the place of our Earth in space? We know that the Earth is one of the eight planets moving around the Sun. We call the family of the Sun and its planets the solar system (太阳系)。 () 1. The Earth is our only home. We all live and die on it. () 2. Long long ago, people thought that the Sun moved around the Earth. () 3. Thousands~of years ago, the Earth was the centre of everything. () 4. Now we know that the Earth is one of the eight planets moving around the Sun. () 5. The Earth belongs to the solar system. We look at the Moon every night. Its bright and beautiful. We write songs and poems about it. Besides that, we dont think about it very much. In the 1960s, some countries cared a lot about the Moon. They had a dream —— to be the first country to put a man on the Moon. America and Russia were part of this space race. They spent a lot of time and money on it. The first man in space was Yuri Gagarin, a Russian. That was in 1961. Years later, in 1969, an American space ship flew to the Moon. Neil Armstrong walked out. He was the first man on the Moon. The space race was over.
·课文精析——对词汇、句型、语法要点的讲解和分析,帮助你全面掌握课文要点 ·课文译文——准确的译文帮助你更为透彻地理解课文内容 ·学习提示——丰富、详实的资料和资源,帮助你了解课文背景,并为你的预习和复习提供有力支持 ·自我测试——各种新颖的题型,帮助你反复操练所学知识