本书是我在上海师范大学外语系任教“现代汉语”课时的科研成果。我基本上采用语法学家张志公先生《暂拟现代汉语语法体系》中的句子成分分析法,并吸取其他语法学家著作中的精华, 博采众长,加上自己几十年来的教学实践,作了如下的修正: This book contains some of my research findings while I was teaching Modern Chinese at the Foreign Language Department of Shanghai Normal University.Adopting basically Mr.Zhang Zhigong’s Provisional Grammatical System in Modern Chinese,and drawing upon the quintessence of the writings of other grammarians as well as my own teaching practice,I make the following revisions: 1.去掉合成谓语说。我把能愿动词、趋向动词和动词结合在一起作复杂谓语中的偏正关系处理;我把联系动词(判断词)“是”和体词《名词、代词、数词、量词)结合,作动宾关系处理(形容词前的“是”作为语气副词,在句子结构中作状语分析)。
修订版前言Preface to the Revised Edition一、现代汉语特点简介A Brief Introduction to Modern Chinese Characteristics二、现代汉语句子分类Sentence Classification in Modern Chinese三、现代汉语造句公式及例析Sentence Construction Patterns and Analysis of Examples四、现代汉语常用词语表(本书例句中出现的词语,按“汉语拼音方案”中的字母顺序排列)A Glossary of Common Words in Modern Chinese (in order of Phonetic Chinese Alphabet)附录AppendixⅠ.现代汉语声母、韵母国际音标注音Initials and Finals Marked with International Phonetic Symbols in Modern ChineseⅡ.现代汉语辅音音素、元音音素发音方法示意图Charts of the Ways to Pronounce Consonant and Vowel Phonemes in Modern ChineseⅢ.现代汉语声调调值、符号示意图Modern Chinese Tone Values and Marks
语言是人们交流思想的工具。随着中国加入世贸组织以及改革开放政策的不断深入,中国与国际在经济、文化等方面交往频繁。外国人为了加速和中国人广泛的沟通,掀起了学习汉语的热潮。 Language is a tool in the exchange to human ideas.With Chinas joining the WTO and further deepening of reform and opening policy,Chinas contacts with the outside world have become more and more frequent in the fields of economy and culture.In order to facilitate the communication of foreigners with Chinese people,a great upsurge in learning of Chinese is gaining graound. 本书抓住现代汉语造句的八个公式(句型),把八百多个汉语常用词语融合进五百个例句中,并配有中英文对照朗读MP3光盘,为外国人学习汉语提供了一种速成的方法。因为只有掌握了现代汉语的造句公式(句型),我们才能举一反三、触类旁通地复制出大量句型相同、内容丰富多彩的汉语句子,才能事半功倍地提高读写现代汉语的能力。