

王敏华,陈希茹 主编 上海外语教育出版社





王敏华,陈希茹 主编  




“大学英语自主听力进阶”系列是专门为具有一定英语基础的学习者编写的听力提高丛书,共分四册,难度依次递升,学习者可以根据自己的水平或薄弱环节选择对应的分册来学习。本系列有以下特点:  ★选材真实,原汁原味,既学语言,又学文化;  ★遵循认知规律,注重听前、听时、听后活动的科学安排,环环相扣;  ★对难点作精要讲解,并提供专项训练,帮助学习者步步积累;   ★有针对性地介绍背景知识,加深听力理解;  《你问我答访谈篇》是“大学英语自主听力进阶”系列的第一册,共有二十个单元,每个单元由Before You Listen,Listen Now,Look at This和Here’s More四个部分组成,分别为听前热身、听力实践、方法指导或背景知识、补充练习。这四个部分环环相扣,使每个单元成为一个有机的整体。 本书引导学习者熟悉英语访谈节目的特点,关注采访人和被采访人的交谈方式,提高对访谈的理解能力。


Unit 1 Cloghers Part One Before You Listen Part Two Listen Now Part Three Look at This Part Four Here's MoreUnit 2 Food Part one Before You Listen Part Two Listen Now Part Three LookatThis Part Four Here's MoreUnit 3 Real Estate Part One Before You Listen Part Two Listen Now Part Three Look at This Part Four Here's MoreUnit 4 Transportation and Traveling Part One Before You Listen Part Two Listen Now Part Three LookatThis Part Four Here's MoreUnit 5 Transportation and Traveling(Continued) Part One Before You Listen Part Two Listen Now Part Three Look at This Part Four Here's MoreUnit 6 Marriage and Family Part One Before You Listen Part Two Listen Now Part Three Look at This Part Four Here's MoreUnit 7 Divorce Part One Before You Listen Part Two Listen Now Part Three Look atThis Part Four Here's MoreUnit 8 Divorce(Continued) Part One Before You Listen Part Two Listen Now Part Three LookatThis Part Four Here's MoreUnit 9 Teaching at High School and University Part One Before You Listen Part Two Listen Now Part Three Look at This Part Four Here's MoreUnit 10 Campus Life Part One Before You Listen Part Two Listen Now Part Three Look at This Part Four Here's MoreUnit 11 Anna in Australia Part One Before You Listen Part Two Listen Now Part Three Look at This Part Four Here's MoreUnit 12 Working on Board the Plane Part One Before You Listen Part Two Listen Now Part Three Look at This Part Four Here's MoreUnit 13 Achieving Career Success Part One Before You Listen Part Two Listen Now Part Three Look at This Part Four Here's MoreUnit 14 Farming Part One Before Yon Listen Part Two Listen Now Part Three Look at This Part Four Here's MoreUnit 15 People Skills Part One Before You Listen Part Two Listen Now Part Three Look at This Part Four Here's MoreUnit 16 Magic Disney World Part One Before You Listen Part Two Listen Now Part Three Lookat This Part Four Here's MoreUnit 17 Global Warming Part One Before You Listen Part Two Listen Now Part Three Look at This Part Four Here's MoreUnit 18 Chian in Professor Evans's Eyes Part One Before You Listen Part Two Listen Now Part Three Look at This Part Four Here's MoreUnit 19 Spring Festival and Christmas Part One Before You Listen Part Two Listen Now Part Three Look at This Part Four Here's MoreUnit 20 Teaching English to Chinese University Students Part One Before You Listen Part Two Listen Now Part Three LookatThis Part Four Here's MoreAppendix Ⅰ Listening ScriptsAppendix Ⅱ Answer Key


  Hong Kong Disneyland is a theme park at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. It was constructed by TheWalt Disney Company and the Hong Kong Government on reclaimed land from the Pennys Bay, LantauIsland, Hong Kong, China. The park was officially opened to visitors at 13:00 local time on Monday,September 12, 2005; although VIPs and winners of a ticket lottery were allowed entry on a number of"testdays" held before the grand opening. A unique feature of Hong Kong Disneyland is the widely use of twolanguages, English and Chinese (both in Traditional and Simplified forms) in its communication. OnNovember 18, 2004, a special ceremony was held in the park to commemorate the placing of the tallestturret of Sleeping Beauty Castle. Present were Tung Chee Hwa, former Chief Executive of Hong KongSAR; Jay Rasulo, president of Disney Parks and Resorts; Michael Eisner, CEO of the Walt Disney Company;and Mickey Mouse and other costumed characters. Hong Kong Disneyland has the shortest constructionperiod among all Disneylands, possibly because it is the smallest Disneyland.  The park features four themed lands similar to those at other Disney Parks: Main Street, USA;Adventureland; Fantasyland; and Tomorrowland. It will also feature a daily parade and nightly fireworks.


  引导学习者熟悉英语访谈节目的特点,关注采访人和被采访人的交谈方式,提高对访谈的理解能力。 关注采访人和被采访人的交谈方式,引导学习者通过三种途径掌握英语故事大意,并分别从语音、单词、句式、语篇等方面训练学习者预测、推断、记忆、分析等听力技能。 材料选自英语广播新闻和电视新闻,内容广泛,帮助学习者熟悉各类新闻的特点,提高听力水平。 引导学习者熟悉英语讲座的框架、话题转移的多种方式、讲座的语言特点和组织结构等,并作简要讲解和针对训练,帮助学习者实现听讲座能力的飞跃。




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