曹娟,沈建平 注
阅读既是理解和吸收语言文化信息的重要手段之一,又是语言文化信息的最便捷的输入源。我国教育部新制定的全日制义务教育和普通高级中学《英语课程标准》对学生的阅读技能从三级到九级提出了明确的要求。在目前国内外的各种英语测试中,阅读理解所占的比重越来越大。为此,我们特向你推荐“中学英语拓展阅读丛书”(Timed Readings Plus)。本丛书含有以下3个子系列:社会科学(Social.Studies)、自然科学(.Science)及数学(Mathematics),由上海外语教育出版社从美国McGraw Hill Glencoe公司引进出版。社会科学和自然科学各有10个分册,社会科学每册有24课,自然科学每册有25课,每课两篇阅读材料;数学有5个分册,每册有15课,每课两篇阅读材料。本丛书语言地道,知识面广,信息量大,能有效训练学生的阅读理解能力,提高他们的阅读速度。每课的第一篇阅读材料篇幅长400单词左右,侧重训练学生的快速阅读能力;阅读理解题则主要检查学生是否能在快速阅读后掌握阅读材料中的事实和材料所传达的思想。每课中的第二篇阅读材料较短,着重训练学生的阅读技巧,如:从上下文中猜测生词的含义,找出作者的观点,得出中心思想,排列事件顺序,推断作者的论点等。因此,我们认为它是一套训练学生阅读速度及阅读理解能力并能同时开拓他们视野的拓展型丛书,适合外国语学校初二及以上年级学生和非外国语学校高中学生课内、外使用。 怎样使用本系列丛书呢?我们有以下的一些阅读策略供大家参考。 1.阅读时,要集中注意力。 2.用一分钟阅读标题,并思考以下问题:我是否了解这一话题?我从这个话题中能学到什么?这个话题引起了我怎样的思考? 3.重点阅读文章第一句和最后一句,因为第一句和最后一句往往是作者提出自己观点和总结全文观点的关键句子。 4.快速阅读全文以获得材料所传达给你的信息。如遇到含有姓名、日期或数字等的内容,你应该放慢速度,以便记住这些内容。 怎样才是一个快速阅读者?
《中学英语拓展阅读丛书》包含社会科学、自然科学和数学三个系列。社会科学和自然科学各10册,数学有5个分册。只要坚持每天阅读,你的阅读能力一定会有明显提高。我们期盼你在趣味盎然的阅读环境中培养阅读能力、遨游知识天地,学习地道英语。 《社会科学系列(4)》为社会科学系列第五分册,适合外国语学校及外语特色学校初中三年级学生使用。
遨游知识天地学习地道英语 你听说过环境建筑学吗?你知道转基因技术基于怎样的原理吗?我们每天点击的互联网是在哪种巧合下诞生的?欧洲中世纪城堡中一天的生活是怎样的?中国古代的造纸术分哪几个步骤?你一定想知道这些问题的答案吧。翻开这套"中学英语拓展阅读丛书",你就走进了一个五彩斑斓的奇妙世界。 《中学英语拓展阅读丛书》由外教社从美国著名出版机构麦格劳一希尔(McGraw Hill)公司引进,语言地道,知识面广,信息量大,是一套既注重培养学生英语阅读能力,又致力开阔他们视野的拓展型丛书。整套书编写理念先进,编排设计科学,难度逐级递升,既适合外国语学校及外语特色学校初二至高三年级的学生使用,也适合普通中学同等水平的学生使用。 我们期盼你在趣味盎然的阅读环境中培养阅读能力,邀游知识天地,学习地道英语。
In the nineteenth century, the United States grew quickly. Artists who explored the frontier produced an array of works depicting Western scenes. Some mass-produced their works; others displayed them in traveling shows. These artists offered the public some of the first views of the West. Their works shaped peoples views of the Western frontier. In large part, the works of these artists described the Western frontier of myth. Many of the artists depicted landscapes and cultures yet untouched by the modem world. In fact, set- dement had already destroyed aspects of the natural environment and the way of life of many Native Americans. Some artists portrayed vast, unspoiled landscapes. Others portrayed Native Americans as noble savages in perfect harmony with nature. The works of Albert Bierstadt and Thomas Moran are examples of paintings that shaped the Western landscape of myth. Bierstadt painted vast scenes of endless plains and mountain ranges. Moran portrayed the wild splendor of such sites as the Grand Canyon. Landscape photographers also played a part in shaping the mythic West. The western expanse appeared silent, still, and timeless in photos. Some artists portrayed pristine (原始 的) landscapes. Others, such as Carleton Watkins, explored humankinds union with nature. Watkinss pictures of Yosemite had such an impact that President Abraham Lincoln placed limits on the region to protect it from misuse. Many artists depictions of Native Americans portrayed rich cultures as unaffected by Western expansion. These artists sought to preserve the customs of Native Americans. George Catlin was one of the first artists to document Native cultures. His paintings showed their vanishing way of life. Likewise, photographer Edward S. Curtis recorded the diverse cultures of the West in his North American Indian Project. Both artists presented Native cul- tures of a recent past instead of revealing the current challenges faced by Native peoples see- king to adapt to their changing world. Unlike Catlin and Curtis who sought to preserve a record of Native cultures, Frederic Remingtons works called on the settler to tame the Wild West and its peoples. His inventive works explored the tensions between the celebrated cowhand and the Native peoples. Remingtons works glorified white settlement. His images assumed that.the setters takeover of the land was justified.