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《实用综合教程》是根据教育部颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》的精神,结合我国高职高专公共英语教学实际编写的,其基本指导思想是以学生在中学阶段学到的英语为起点,提供听说读写译技能的基础性综合训练,注重实际应用,培养学生一定的语言运用能力。 从我国高职高专学校开设公共英语课程的实际情况出发,同时考虑到我国各地区和各学校之间的差异,《实用综合教程》一共编写4册,一学期使用一本,各本教材相互之间为递进关系。对于英语水平较低的新生,第一学期可以选用第一册,用三个学期学完第一、二、三册后,要求能达到《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》规定的“基本要求”,可以通过高等学校英语应用能力考试(B级)。对于英语水平较好的新生,第一学期可以从第二册开始使用,学生学完第三册后,可以通过高等学校英语应用能力考试(B级)。第四册为选修教材,供学有余力的学生使用。学生学完全部四册后,要求能达到《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》规定的“较高要求”,可以通过高等学校英语应用能力考试(A级)。
Unit 1 The English LanguageText A: Soon There Will Be No Such Thing as "Wrong" EnglishActive Words: score/spread/press/urge/favor/blameGrammar Tips: The Object ComplementDictationText B: Is English Becoming Global?Practical Writing: How to Write a CertificateClassroom ActivityUnit 2 Gender RolesText A: Changing Gender RolesActive Words: credit/sound/mark/figure/present/issueGrammar Tips: The Subject ComplementDictationText B: Kristine LillyPractical Writing: How to Write an Advertisement for a JobClassroom ActivityUnit 3 Modern LifeText A:The StrangerActive Words: honor/twist/charge/regard/objectGrammar Tips: The InfinitiveDictationText B: Why Americans Would Rather DrivePractical Writing: How to Write InstructionsClassroom ActivityUnit 4 Career ChoiceText A: Is Technical Training a Wise Career Move?Active Words: advance/associate/transfer/draw/focusGrammar Tips: The Adjective as a ModifierDictationText B: To Work or Stay in School?Practical Writing: How to Write a Job Application LetterClassroom ActivityUnit 5 AIDSText A: My Father-in-lawActive Words: shock/date/bite/treat/sinkGrammar Tips: The AppositiveDictationText B: What Do People in the UK Think about HIV/AIDS?Practical Writing: How to Write an Urging LetterClassroom ActivityUnit 6 ArtText A: Elvis Presley: the King of Rock and RollActive Words: top/hit/rest/lead/measure/rankGrammar Tips: The Nominative Absolute ConstructionDictationText B: The OscarsPractical Writing: How to Write a Notice Inviting ContributionsClassroom ActivityUnit 7 The September 11th AttacksText A: This Is DoomsdayActive Words: trade/fall/strike/cut/standGrammar Tips: Agreement Between the Subject and the PredicateDictationText B: The Effects of 9·11 on KidsPractical Writing: How to Write a Letter of ComplaintClassroom ActivityUnit 8 Problems Facing CitiesText A: Amys DecisionActive Words: bear/reach/switch/beat/rushGrammar Tips: Agreement Between the Subject and the PredicateDictationText B: Lack of Affordable Housing Is a National CrisisPractical Writing: How to Write an Advertisement for Selling andRenting a HouseClassroom ActivityUnit 9 EnergyText A: Life in 2009Active Words: cost/ground/account/light/ringGrammar Tips: The Subjunctive Mood (I)DictationText B: Energy MythsPractical Writing: How to Write a Formal Letter of IntroductionClassroom ActivityUnit 10 Roads to SuccessText A: Michael Dells Success StoryActive Words: place/stick/direct/right/squareGrammar Tips: The Subjunctive Mood (II)DictationText B: Seven Secrets of SuccessPractical Writing: How to Write a Letter of RecommendationClassroom ActivityGlossary
Schoolchildren stood in the streets; some of those working close by ran from the scene. Most just stared, holding their breath. But as the crowds stood paralyzed, the southern tower then did the unthink-able at 10:05: it suddenly disappeared into a cloud of its own making, and, in slow motion, collapsed to the ground with a horrible sound —— followed by screams on the streets, "My God —— its gone !" People began to run north, chased by the gray-black smoke and rubble. Flying glass cut into their flesh and ripped their clothes; their mouths were dry with terror and dust. The sound of screams and crying echoed off the walls. There was no sign whatever of the authorities; only a police officer was running about and shouting, "Get out of here!" At 10:28, when most people hadnt got their breath back, a man was heard to be shouting madly, "Another explosion! Another explosion!" He was running, with blood streaming down his face, but apparently with no idea that behind him the northern tower was falling into the dust of its own stone. Jeffery Hanson appeared in the streets at about 10:15, shortly before the northern tower collapsed. He said to a reporter who had just arrived at the scene, "I was in my office. Suddenly there was a huge explosive sound and then the building shook heavily. I went out but the elevators were out and there was thick smoke everywhere. There were so many running down the stairs, running over each other and screaming and pushing and trying to get out. I was just trying to calm a woman down and tell her the worst was over when the building was rumbling, as if it were going to fall. Then all the lights went out and the building was blacked out. We just couldnt see a thing and all the time there was water coming like a flood behind us, and smoke and fires. It took us one and a half hours to walk down; sure, its 80 floors."