斯科菲尔德,弗兰多 编
《全景商务英语》(Double Dealing)是一套集商务英语语言知识和商务技能于一体的情景式商务英语教材。该教材突出了“以人为本”的特点,设计风格独特,内容新颖,不仅为学习者提供了系统的英语语言知识,还通过各种真实的商务活动为学习者提供了丰富的商务场景,使他们可以有效地提高运用英语进行商务活动的能力。与国内已引进的同类教材(《剑桥国际商务英语》、 《新视野商务英语》等)相比,这套教材除具备与它们一样的特点,即语料真实、内容丰富、练习形式多样外,还具有以下几个主要特色: 趣味性和激发性较强。整套教材的内容设计和编排十分独到,各册分别以某国际公司的运作为主线,通过公司运营中的各种问题,以及公司内部、公司与客户之间、公司与合作伙伴之问的各种交流活动,将一个个鲜活的故事、案例和对话等贯穿全书,各单元间章章相连,环环相扣,这样不仅可以有效地激发学生的学习欲望,还可以使学生有身临其境之感,在体会激烈的商场竞争的同时,自觉地提高自己用英语进行商战的能力。这种编排手法在一般同类教材中尚不多见。 注重跨文化意识的培养。这套教材的各单元均设有“Cross—cultural Focus”项目,针对各种不同文化背景下的商务观点、商务沟通方式以及商务行为等,提供了大量真实的案例,系统地介绍了跨文化商务知识,并辅之以各种强化训练活动。因此,这套教材较为注重系统地培养学生在国际商务活动中的跨文化意识和跨文化交际能力。 注重学习能力的培养。这套教材以形式多样且饶有趣味的“Review”和“PersonalData Bank”练习项目来结束各单元的商务活动,旨在帮助、引导学生总结单元知识与相关技能。这样的设计不仅有利于巩固学生所学的知识与技能,更有利于帮助他们培养良好的学习习惯和有效的学习策略。
1 Disaster2 Call me 3 Meeting in Malta4 Changes5 Email me 6 Set up a trip 7 The sell 8 You've got a deal 9 Reort time10 Success
Dear Carlo,Thanks for your email. I have good news from Berlin! This morning Walter and I had a meeting with Berger bild AG to discuss their sales conference. After a long negotiation they accept edour offer. These are the main points that we agreed:1 Grand Hotel Pelleas will host Berger bild sales conference 4-7 May for 500 people for a lump-sum price of 120,000. This is a 2 % discount on our normal price because we really want their business.2 Berger bild will make an up front payment of 10,000 on signing the contract. The rest to be paid 30 days after conference-end.3 We will provide fullboard for all guests(drinks charged individually!). They will need 475 rooms (some couples coming), 2 conference rooms and all the equipment. We have to ensure that there is good technical support available and they must check all the equipment before each presentation.The next step is to update our standard conference contract. Walter wants me to change some parts. There is a clause in it about payments. He wants to add a paragraph saying that the10,000 is non-refundable when they have signed the contract. And at the end of the contract in the Appendix he wants to put a list of all our services. Ill do that when I get back. So dont worry about Costas. Tell him there is an expanding conference market for Pelleas in Europe. Thatll shut him up! Back in Malta midday tomorrow.