吴朋 改编
本书是一本以财经类专业学生或参加业务进修的银行人员为对象的教材。本书的编写目的是使学习者能为银行业各重要领域内使用英语的个人客户和企业客户提供准确、得当的服务与咨询。 本书以银行业的理论与实际操作为基础,帮助学习者掌握工作岗位上必要的外语能力。本书包括九个单元,最大特点是真实:听力理解部分都是真实工作中和讲英语的国家的人进行交流的真实对话材料;阅读材料都从出版物和银行宣传册——例如真实的表格和文件——中摘录;口语练习模拟真实工作场景下的角色表演或案例分析,并通过数字材料(交易所的结算数字、图像)和图画材料(照片与漫画)提供大量的进一步对话机会。本教材每单元还专门为学有余力的学生提供提高性的材料(Advanced materials),帮他们拓展专业词汇、掌握书面和口头表达的区别。
Unit 1 Introducing bankingUnit 2 Types of accountUnit 3 Opening an accountUnit 4 Transferring moneyUnit 5 Credit cards and traveller's chequesUnit 6 Personal borrowingUnit 7 Corporate loansUnit 8 FinancingUnit 9 Foreign tradeAppendices
Mary Barnes needs to know about the different means of non-cash payment.A eurocheque card and a credit card will be useful for paying in shops; standing Orders and direct debits are used for recurring payments. An overdraft facility might solve her problems at the end of the month but she should be told how much interest will be payable on the overdraft. Janet Mills: opening hours —— online banking—— telephone banking—— ATMs —— state-ment printer —— self-service terminal Janet Mills should be informed about the office hours of the bank, includingl late opening or weekend opening. She has to be told about transferring sums by non-cash payment to reduce her visits to the bank as well as using the ATM, the statement printer and the self-service terminals in the branch. The clerk should find out if she is interested in telephone or online banking. Frank Filton: current account——savings account —— interest —— telephone bill —— direct debit —— standing order Frank Filton should be informed about payment by direct debit, the different functions of current and savings accounts and that he can link the two with a standing order to transfer any money left at the end of the month to his savings account.
行业英语系列全面贯彻以服务为宗旨、以就业为导向的高等职业教育办学方针,充分体现高职英语教学的实用性、职业性特征,为高职行业英语教材建设开辟了一条新的思路。 真实性、实用性相辅相成 语言素材来自真实工作场景,练习设计模拟真实工作任务,真正做到与职业结合、与行业结合。兼顾国际交往中最易引发沟通障碍的文化差异和商务交往礼仪,内容涵盖从业者日常工作的方方面面。 语言技能、行业知识相得益彰 书中所涉及的行业知识深浅适度,语言知识要言不烦,完美兼顾英语水平的提高和行业知识的积累,针对从业者的实际工作需要,照顾学习者的水平差异,以细致的行业需求分析为基础,着力培养学生用英语进行工作的能力。 国外先进教学经验、本国教学实际完美结合 教材自德国引进,由国内富有教学经验的英语教师和专业教师联合改编,既借鉴世界先进的职业教育经验,又力图满足中国英语教学以及相关行业的实际需要。