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新世纪的钟声催促着大学英语教学改革和提高的步伐,每一位教师都在寻求一套不落俗套而又能满足学生阅读需求的教材,各高校的莘莘学子也在找寻一套能通过阅读提高应用技能的书本。《大学英语教学大纲》(修订本)明确指出:“阅读是掌握语言知识、打好语言基础、获取信息的重要渠道。阅读能力是大部分大学生今后工作所需的主要语言技能。”特别是在我国加入世界贸易组织以后,全面提高大学生的阅读能力,以及与之相辅相成的听、说、写、译等技能已越来越重要。外教社深深地认识到阅读在大学英语教学中的重要性,多年来一直朝着这个方向不断地发掘好的选题。我们知道,现在的老师和学生对阅读教材的需求不仅仅停留在传统的通过大量阅读,然后完成几个对文章内容理解性的问题上了;他们更需要的是通过使用教材培养学生的阅读技能,以及培养学生通过阅读获取信息、运用信息的能力。可以说国外在阅读教材的编写方面是走在我们前面的。 经过长时间的酝酿,在“大学生英语阅读教材”的开发上,外教社同世界著名的麦克米伦出版集团联手合作。这家以出版教材为主的跨国集团在2002年对中国15,000位大学非英语专业学生进行了一次广泛的调研,了解当今中国大学生最感兴趣的阅读话题。通过这次可能是迄今为止该类项目在中国境内最大规模的调研,筛选出了120个话题,作为合作项目的参考。在外教社的精心策划和麦克米伦的通力配合下,针对中国市场的全套一共6册的《大学英语创意阅读》终于问世了。
UNIT 1 Pages 1-12How to Be a Successful Language Leanet:The Good Language LearnerPages 13-22 Intellectual Property:Piracy in the 21st CenturyPages 23-31 Using Information Found on the Web:Checking Is BelievingPages 32-42 Long Life(Part 1):Staying Alive(Part 1)Pages 43-51 Long Life(Part 2):Staying Alive(Part 2)Pages 52-60 Youth,Beauty and Health:Young People's Perceptions of HealthPages 61-69 Netiquette:Saying the Right Things in EmailsPages 70-78 Making Money:An Ordinary MillionairePages 79-88 Genetically Modified Food:Feeding or Poisoning the World?Pages 89-99 The Introduction of the Euro:A New Currency Reigns in EurolandPages 100-110 English Words:The Biggest Vocabulary in the WorldPages111-121 Sick Buildings:What Makes a Building Sick?Pages 122-132 Pop Music:The Beatles-A BiographyPages 133-144 Assessing Performance:Examinations-Frightening or Fair?Pages 145-155 The Linux Story:Linus TorvaldsPages 156-164 The Olympic GamesPages 165-174 On-line Romance:The Perfect On-line Romance?Pages 184-197 Spoken and Written Language:Four Professors and and Email ExchangePages 198-210 Personal Identification:VeriChips
Independent students like to think for themselves and prefer working on their own but will listen to others.They are confident of their abilities and will learn what they feeIis important and necessary.By contrast,dependent learners have little intellectual curiosity and learn only what is required.They see the teacher as a source of structure and look to his/her authority to guide the learning process and answer questions. Collaborative students like learning through sharing with others.They are cooperative and enjoy working with others and see the classroom as a suitable place for learning and for interaction with others.Competitive students,however,feel that they must compete with others for reward and their motivation to learn is to do better than others.They regard the classroom as strictly a win or lose situation in which they must win. ……
This series focuses on the creative reading,learning and using of English:Cultural awareness and intercuitural knowledge and skills. Responding and reacting to interesting texts,Enhancing learning through challenging activities,Active use of language to develop further skills,Thinking about and reflecting on topics,beyond the text,Interactive practice through discussion activities,Variety of topics,text types,and activities,Extending vocabulary,whichWhich:Expands your creativity.