

黄运亭 编 上海外语教育出版社





黄运亭 编  




  “新标准高职高专公共英语系列教材”是上海外语教育出版社出版的普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材。该套教材经由全国众多高职院校使用后,获得普遍好评。为了帮助学生进一步巩固教材传授的知识点,更好地发挥教材的效用,外教社又策划、组织编写了本套练习册,配合该系列教材的《实用综合教程》使用。  本书为《实用综合教程》第四册的练习册,编写时除以教育部颁发的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》、《高等学校英语应用能力考试大纲》和《实用综合教程4》为依据外,我们还在练习设计方面较多地考虑了学生在完成高职高专公共英语学习任务后进一步学习英语、尤其是参加大学英语四级考试的需要,为他们提供力所能及的帮助。  根据《实用综合教程4》每个单元的课文、重点词汇、语法和课后练习中的重点和难点,我们设计了相关的拓展练习,主要是让学生动手填写的构建型练习。这些练习由浅人深,层层深化,通过让学生动手写出单词、句子和段落来加深印象,以期帮助学生记牢学好。  Vocabulary部分有5个大题,主要训练每单元课文中出现的重点单词和短语,通过英文的词义匹配、用单词和短语的适当形式填空、根据上下文把括号中的汉语译成英语、查阅句中关键词的英语意思并将句子译成汉语等形式的练习,实现增强记忆、学会运用的目标。  Grammar部分有3个大题,通过辨别句中斜体部分的语法功能、用单词和短语的适当形式填空、根据上下文把括号中的汉语译成英语等练习形式,复习和巩固教材中出现的主要语法现象,达到温故知新的效果。  Fast Reading部分的选文是一篇长度在700个单词左右的文章,选文时,我们不仅注意了文章与课文主题的相关性和难易度,更注重文章的科学性、趣味性和可读性。选文保持原汁原味,基本不做删节或修改。但为了方便学生阅读,我们为文章中出现的生词注明了汉语意思,一方面不影响学生的阅读速度,另一方面对适当扩大学生的词汇量有一定帮助。这个练习的题型完全按照大学英语四级考试快速阅读的命题模式进行,和大学英语四级考试快速阅读真题不同的是,文章长度较短。但是,学生通过这个练习的训练,会为以后参加大学英语四级考试打下一个比较坚实的基础。




Unit 1 The English LanguageVocabularyGrammarFast ReadingReading ComprehensionTranslationPractical WritingProverbsUnit 2 Gender RolesVocabularyGrammarFast ReadingReading ComprehensionTranslationPractical WritingProverbsUnit 3 Modern LifeVocabularyGrammarFast ReadingReading ComprehensionTranslationPractical WritingProverbsUnit 4 Career ChoiceVocabularyGrammarFast ReadingReading ComprehensionTranslationPractical WritingProverbsUnit 5 AIDSVocabularyGrammarFast ReadingReading ComprehensionTranslationPractical WritingProverbsUnit 6 ArtVocabularyGrammarFast ReadingReading ComprehensionTranslationPractical WritingQuotesUnit 7 The September 11th AttacksVocabularyGrammarFast ReadingReading ComprehensionTranslationPractical WritingProverbsUnit 8 Problems Fadng CitiesVocabularyGrammarFast ReadingReading ComprehensionTranslationPractical WritingProverbsUnit 9 EnergyVocabularyGrammarFast ReadingReading ComprehensionTranslationPractical WritingProverbsUnit 10 Roads to SuccessVocabularyGrammarFast ReadingReading ComprehensionTranslationPractical WritingA HumorTest for Unit 1 - Unit 5Test for Unit 6 - Unit i0KeyUnit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit5Unit6Unit7Unit8Unit9Unit10Test for Unit 1 - Unit5Test for Unit 6- Unit10


  Passion has its own energy to enable us to overcome obstacles (both real andimagined) and to see the world as a place of infinite potential. It plays an important role on one's way to success. You have to be driven by a passion for your subject, andthen it in turn leads to your goals. It is the real key that makes successful people successful in their life.  Ability to accept a risk —— Successful people are risk takers. I do not know anyone who has succeeded that has not been able to assess and take a risk and then live with the consequence —— success or failure. Risk avoidance is a sure way to remain mediocre (平庸) ; being safe does not promote personal growth. Failure or making amistake is not a bad thing; it's a proof you were exploring new ways to do something,and that's better than safe success. We learn from our mistakes, not our successes. They can sustain a high level of ambiguity (模棱两可) ; they do not need to knowwhere they are. They do not mind being lost, for they call it just taking the longer, more interesting way around.  High self-esteem —— Think well of yourself. You are not boastful or egotistical (自负的), but do have an honest assessment of your skills, abilities and handicaps, knowhow to play to your strengths, overcome your weaknesses and work toward gettingbetter.  Persistence —— You have to do this long enough. How long is long enough? Well,it will take 10 years. I have asked hundreds of accomplished photographers, writers,filmmakers, painters and musicians how long it took before they felt they were ableto speak from a source within. Ten years has been their unanimous (一致的) answer. Thomas Edison went through hundreds of failures until he came up with a working light bulb. Had he given up after the first few or even the first hundred failures, someone else's name would be associated with the invention of the light bulb.  Being nice to work with —— Why is being nice important? Success is rarely a soloventure. You need others to help you acquire the craft, help you discover and develop your vision, give you a job, introduce you to opportunities. Their willingness to help will be commensurate (同样大小的,相称的) with your ability to get along with others. People want to help others, but only if they show a willingness to work, tocontribute and are nice to have around. People want to have positive, enthusiastic people around, people who will solve problems, not create them.  ......




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