闻春国 上海外语教育出版社 (2011-03出版)
闻春国 编译
The Definition of Intelligence智慧的定义Prepare Three Envelopes锦囊妙计The Garden儿子的妙计A Lawyer,aBlonde and aBet on aPlane律师与金发女郎Lawyers and Engineers律师与工程师The Blonde Undertaker省钱的绝招A Box ofCigars一盒雪茄The Successful Smuggler手段高明的走私贩The Servant's Ruse仆人的诡计A Hundred Faces一百次面Top Answers绝妙的回答A Silver Ladle一把银勺子A Final Exam你知道我是谁吗Dem'smart City Folk精明的城里人A Stupid Question愚蠢的问题Tommy's Choice小汤姆的选择Don't Leave Your Cell Phone Around完美的丈夫A Magic Blind Man闻香识女人A Month Overdue一个月没来A Blonde Detective金发女侦探The Smart Blonde精明的金发女郎 The Beautiful Blonde美丽的金发女郎Caught Speeding超速行车之后The Clever Woman聪明的女人A Pretty Maid漂亮的女佣Why I Fired My Secretary秘书小姐A Blonde 10b Interview金发女郎的求职面试Who's George?乔治是谁?Gates to Heaven天堂之门Frozen to Death冻死Gate to the Hell地狱之门Puzzling Holes天堂与地狱Heaven's Reward天堂里的奖赏Letters to God给上帝的信The Pope大人物Rabbi's New Car拉比的新车Miracle这是个奇迹Missing“God”上帝不见了Little Leroy and a Birthday Prayer给上帝的五封信Divine lustice神圣的公正You're Not a Monk因为你不是修道士How Men Get into Trouble无奈的谎言war Hero英雄有悔Golden Saloon金色沙龙Three Beers三杯啤酒Scotch Expert品酒大师How Many Bars Do You Work at?怎么又是你?First Big Clue第一线索Two Drunk Guys酒吧里的两个醉鬼A Really Bad Day倒霉鬼Memory Problems苦涩的回忆Embarrassing Compulsion令人尴尬的强迫症Wh0's the Most Stupid究竟谁最蠢The Wife from Hell诚实的妻子I'm Fine“我没事?”I'm Prepared to Wait我可以等待Never Go to HR People千万别找人事部A Vacation in Rome罗马假日In the Courtroom真相大白Bulgy Protrudy Is what They Call Me疑难杂症A Sri Lankan Minister Visits US小巫见大巫Chemical Fire勇敢者的背后Excuse?合适的借口New York Times《纽约时报》报道I Came to Hook up Y0ur Phone大忙人的一通电话Zoo Mime哑剧演员与狮子Psychology Test心理测试Where's My Rolex爱财如命的伦敦人The Kind Lawyer心地善良的大律师The Smartest Man in the world世界上最聪明的人Cover Up实话实说That's Exactly What I Did我就是这么做的!Successto aHappyMarriedLife幸福美满婚姻的秘诀Bad Timing说的不是时候Ten Dollars Is Ten Dollars十块钱毕竟不是个小数目Snowbound for Two Weeks阴差阳错The FaHTIer and the Old Mule阿西姆和他的骡子Son's Bad Dream儿子的噩梦Try It Again那就再试一次Sons儿子的荣耀“Wishes”马丁的两个心愿Do Whatever You Want想干什么就干什么At His Side老是陪伴在身边Super Bowl超级杯赛场Repay报答Priceless妻子的价值Proxy Fathers代理父亲A Mom's Gifts献给母亲的礼物Bad Habits坏习惯Sweet Charity温情脉脉的慈善家Baked Beans惊喜?!Halloween Party化装舞会I,ve Made up My Mind我已经决定了Naked Diet最佳减肥方案IfYou Knew Suzie,Like I Knew Suzie了不起的山姆Present Imperfect礼物WC极品WCA Lesson Learnt经验A Very Insulting Parrot嘴硬的鹦鹉Worse Mistakes误会Richie Rich勇敢者的奖赏Phone Keeps Ringing电话响个不停The Imaginary Invalid想像中的病人April Fooled愚人节Fishing Reward垂钓的好处
版权页:插图:About a week later the housekeeper came to theelderly priest and said, "Father Flannigan, ever sinceFather O'Connell came to dinner, I've been unable to findthe beautiful silver gravy ladle. You don't suppose he tookit do you?" The priest said, "Well, I doubt it, but I'll write hima letter just tO make Sure." So he sat down and wrote:Dear Father O'Connell, I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation at dinner the othernight and hope we have the opportunity to do so again. On another matter. We had a beautiful silver ladle whichwas a gift from a parishioner that comes to visit from time totime. The ladle has come up missing and I would be veryembarrassed to invite her over and notice the missing ladle. It is very important that it be found.. Now, I'm not saying that you "did" take a gravy ladlefrom my house, and I'm not saying you "did not" take a gravy ladle. But the fact remains that it has been missing ever sinceyou were here. Several days later the elderly priest received a letter from the young priest which read: Dear Father Flannigan, I also enjoyed our dinner and conversation and hope not only that we do so again, but also that I be permitted to return the favor. On the other matter. Now, I'm not saying that you "do" sleep with your housekeeper, and rm not saying that you "do not" sleep with your housekeeper. But the fact remains that if you were sleeping in your own bed, you would have found the gravy ladle by now.