柯彦玢 等 著
Unit One1. The Grammarian Who Lost a War of Words2. Berkeley Blues3. Ten Commandments for a College FreshmanUnit Two4. At Last He Said5. Letters to Anne Frank's Father6. My Clrcle of FrlendsUnit Three7. The Brain's Balanclng Act8. Upending theTradltional Farm9. Virtual Water - A Smarter Way to Think about How Much H20 You UseUnit Four10. The WhinyGeneratlon11. A License to Drive12. Death in the OpenUnit Five13. We're Too Busy for Ideas14. Get a Grip15. Hold Your HorsepowerUnit Six16. Two Unique "i DO's" .17. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer18. Looking, for Love Where My Mother Never CouldUnit Seven19. The Soul of a Champion: A Letter to Michael Jordan20. Do Heroes Exlst?21. Tyranny of WeaknessUnit Eight22. Overcoming an Invisible Handicap23. A Llberating Curriculum24. In Defense of Testlng