吴敏 主编,赵斌斌 等编
Unit l Job Hunting
Unit 2 Success on the Job
Unit 3 Requirements Analysis
Unit 4 Proj ect Management
Unit 5 Presentation
Unit 6 Negotiation
Unit 7 Assertive Communication
Unit 8 Customer Service
Unit 9 Time Management
Unit 10 Stress Management
the speaker owes it to his or her listeners to plan,write,and deliver the presentation in aprofessional, convincing manner. An effective way to make the beginning,middle,and end of the presentation work together is to remember this three-pronged rule of clearcommunication:Tell them what you're going to tell them,tell them,tell them what you'vetold them. In the beginning of the presentation, preview what is to come. This approa chgrabs the audience's attention and opens the door to the main body of the presentation:the middle.It is also a good idea to tell them for how long you will speak:“For the next 15 minutes I will ...”.This will give the audience an idea of the scale of your presentation to avoid the guess work. In the middle, present most of what you have to say. Simple,declarative lists(“First,the purpose of the study was ...”)can organize the middle of the presentation to help the listener move along. In the end,wrap up (“To summarize ...”).Approaching the three parts of the presentation this way is the simplest and easiest way too rganize yourself and make your thoughts understandable to all and easy to follow.Dynamic techniques Many other techniques can be employed to make a presentation work especial lywell. All recognize one fact: A presentation is prepared for the ear. To be effective,the words and ideas must be retained in the listener's mind. The following techniques can be particularly effective while delivering your presentation:Repetition. Besides helping your audience remember something,repetition builds greater awareness of central points of the main theme. Often,repetition contributes to the fiow of the presentation. Do not be afraid to repeat the main point of your presentation. Quotes. The best quotations are short and memorable. They not only say something meaningful, but they say it clearly. Good quotes work on several levels,forcing the audience to think. Make sure the quote is clearly attributed and that it was said by someone your audience will probably recognize. Quotations are often particularly effective at the beginning or end of a presentation but can work well almost anywhere. Startling or surprising moments. Surprise is used to draw attention to the point you are about to make. Saying something the audience is not expected to hear can reawaken the audience. Tell a short story. Everyone likes to hear a story. As we listen,we visualize the action of the story in our minds. This is why and how we remember stories long after we have forgotten a lot of other things. In a presentation,of course, a story has to be short(it cannot come to take the place of the presentation itself)and it has to make a point in the context of the presentation and its theme. Use all of these devices sparingly in your presentations. If overused,the presentation becomes exaggerated and can quickly turn into a farce. Used with care and to move the presentation along,they usually work exceedingly well. Time challenges If making a presentation as part of a technical session,where more than one speaker speaks,it is very important to adhere to your allocated time limit. The overall sessionmust end at certain time. Exceeding your time will make the audience wander and lose their concentration. It can ruin your presentation. As you write and edit your presentation,the general rule to follow is to allow about 90 seconds for every double-spaced page of copy. Rehearsing your presentation will tell you approximately how long it will be. To stay within the allocated time,it is very important that you write the presentation that you are going to deliver. ……