Table of ContentsPart I Discoue StylisticsA Manifesto for Discoue Stylistics. GeoffHallDiscoue Presentation and Speech (and Writing, but not Thought)Summary, Mick ShortA Stylistic Analysis of Abstract Anaphora. Xiong XueliangInformativity and Information Management in Narrative Discoue.Miao XingweiDrama Stylistics for Multi-Layered Analysis of Play Texts,Huo Tao. Yu DongmingPart II Functional StylisticsOn the Theoretical Framework of Multimodal Functional Stylistics,Zhang Delu. Zhang JingtianFunctional Stylistics as an Appliable Stylistics: Exploring AestheticCotruction in Poetic Tralation. Benedict LinAppraisal Stylistics: Rationale, Framework, Illustratio, and Definition,Peng XuanweiOn Style as a Way of Identity Cotruction and Power Control: With ParticularReference to Kenneth Burke's View of Style, Ju YumeiThe Stylistic Significance and Tralation of Temporal Conjunctio inThree Days to See, Dai FanPart III Pedagogical StylisticsPedagogical Stylistics, Literary Awareness and Empowerment:A Critical Pepective. Sonia Zyngier, Olivia FialhoOn the Text Pattern and Engagement Marke: An Empirical Study ofEnglish Majo' Abstract Writing for Graduation Pape, YaoJunPart IV Corpus StylisticsThe Texture of Emotionally-lmmeive Passages in Short Stories: StepsTowards a Tentative Local Grammar, Michael ToolanStyle and the Representation of Modal Meanings, Yang XinzhangCorpus Stylistics: A New Approach to Literary Stylistics,Lu Weizhong, Xia YunPart V Literary StylisticsFictional Style and the Beginning of Great Expectatio: Another View,Norman MacleodE. E. Cummings's Parentheses: Punctuation as Poetic Device,Roi TartakovskyOn Rhythm: Its Classification, Essential Property, and Formulation,Xu YouzhiA Stylistic Analysis and Reinterpretation of Ma Feng's My Fit Superior,Yu Dongming, Qu ZhengSee and Noee: Metalinguistic Absurdity in Throughthe Looking-Glass, Fe ZongxinStylistics as Playful Creativity: Aritha van Herk, Novelist, Critic andAcademic, Jane MattissonThe Unreliable Narrator in Forrest Gump, Liu HunCharacte that Tell Their Own Tales: Reading of The BrotheKaramazov through Bakhtin, Liang YingPart VI Other InterdisciplinariesA Genre Analysis of the Conclusion Section of Chinese and International English Scientific Journal Pape. Hu Zhiqing, Gu ZhongmeiMetafiction Overturning Writing Model of Conventional Realist Fiction:On Gass's Metafictional Writings. Mo, XiaomingAn Adaptable Analysis of the Dialogues in The Analects. Su Jiajia, Yu Shanzhi