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Chapter 11. Sports Activities2. The Book Club3. PlayStations-Nintendos-PSPs-X-Boxes4. Top School, Talented StudentsChapter 21. School Careers Guidance2. An Interview3. A Letter to China4. Why Are Girls Doing Better thanBoys in School?Chapter 31. School Trip2. A Fun Day at School3. The Quiz4. The Next Big Thing!Chapter 41. Teenage Dilemmas2. A New Life in Britain3. Under Pressure4. Teenage ParenthoodChapter 51. Letter from Beijing2. Teaching I.T. to the Elderly3. Family Love4. A Boy Asks His Brother for AdviceChapter 61. Rock Climbing Superstar2. Teaching in China3. Summer School4. My Friend HelenChapter 71. Fun in the Sun2. Putting on Weight3. I Wanted to Be Thin4. Better Food?Chapter 81. Beckham2. Advert for a Sports Club3. Ice Sports4. The Need for SpeedChapter 91. Bird Flu2. Living with HIV3. The Road to Thirst and War4. Wonder DrugsChapter 101. See the Seven Wonders of theWorld for Free!2. The Mystery of the Mary Celeste3. Meeting of the Medicine Men4. The Blue Rocks of MoroccoChapter 111. King Arthur2. Stonehenge3. The Lord of the Rings4. The YetiChapter 121. Mobile Phone Usage in the UK2. Greatest Inventions3. Glasses for Chickens!4. It Is Good to Talk!Chapter 131. Visit the Orkney Islands!2. A Trip to Tunisia3. Female Travellers——Safety and Security4. Panic & AnxietyChapter 141. My Diwali——the Festival of Light2. St George——the Patron Saint of England3. What Are You Giving Up?4. The Lantern FestivalChapter 151. Are Self-Help Books Good or Bad for You?2. A 20-Step Guide to Happiness3. Dating Again4. British Table MannersChapter 161. The Miss Reena B. Lal TV Show2. Is It too Easy to Be Rich and Famous?3. Charles Dickens4. A Young British ArtistChapter 171. Justin Timberlake2. Meeting Johnny!3. The Fdllers4. The Pussy Cat Dolls or Girls Aloud?Chapter 18I. Celebrities and Their Pets2. Charlie and the Chocolate FactorysForty Squirrels3. Is Using Animals in Films Cruel?4. Are Animals Clever?Chapter 191. The Story of a Tsunami2. The Power of E1 Ni~o3. Flooding in the UK4. The EarthquakeChapter 20I. The Mystery of the Mobile Phone2. The Strange Things of Mr Jolly3. A Tale of Two Detectives4. The Daily NewsAnswer Keys
Teenagers today are obsessed with playing video games. All you hear are teenagers talking about the latest Final Fantasy, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario Brothers and Grand Theft Auto games. When I was young, we used to play sports or board games like chess and scrabble. Nowadays, the mere mention of board games to teenagers sends them to sleep. Anything that is not visually attractive or violent is just not interesting. My nephews are crazy about video games. They pester their father to buy them the latest games. Last Christmas I bought them a scrabble and chess set. They played a few games but quickly lost interest because playing these games well required concentration, and they were not visually attractive enough. Video games are often not good for children. A recent study by Dr. Iman Shar if of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York in October 2006 discovered that children who play video games during weekday evenings do less well in school than students who dont .Research by Dr Vincent Mathews and his colleagues in November 2006 at Indiana School of Medicine discovered that teenagers who play violent video games may suffer short-term side effects such as heightened emotional arousal and decreased ability to concentrate. The other problem with playing video games is that children do not take enough exercise. The government is worried about the lack of exercise that sch ol children take and the health problems that this causes. Lack of exercise can lead to obesity, and this can cause a range of health problems such as asthma and diabetes. Video games are not all bad. They are often useful for teaching children who do not ike reading books. There is evidence to show that teenagers learn information better when it is presented in an audio-visual form than they do from a book——as a result there has been a great increase in educational video games. However, I still believe children spend too much time sitting inside. They need to take a break from video games. They need to play sports outside in parks and open spaces with their friends. They will get exercise and also learn to communicate better with others——good social skills are very important in the real world!