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鲁尼 等 著  




  阅读是陶冶情操、造就品格、发展智能、培养人才的巨大精神能源。在老师的指导下有效开展阅读欣赏活动,可以引导学生充分发挥其思维潜能,提高阅读能力,获得美的享受。对于英语学习者来说,阅读能力对于英语技能的全面提高至关重要,新课标对于中学生的阅读量也有明确要求,高中生毕业时,英语课外阅读量累计须达到36万词。有鉴于此,许多学校都将英语阅读欣赏课程建设作为推进素质教育、促进新课程改革的重要举措,在现有课时框架内前瞻性地安排了英语阅读欣赏课程。《快乐进阶——中学英语阅读欣赏》正是配合这种教学需要开发的。  《快乐进阶——中学英语阅读欣赏》丛书旨在培养学生对原汁原味英语语言的感受力和欣赏能力,开阔其视野,培养其跨文化交流意识;同时通过实时操练掌握终身受用的高效阅读策略,增强学生阅读活动的主动性,培养终身学习英语的能力。高中分册特色为:1.理念超前,语言地道这套丛书是第一套真正意义上将国外原创内容和国内英语教学实际紧密结合的阅读系列丛书。所有文章均根据高中各年级学生英语语言学习实际及新课标要求,由我社联合世界最大的教育出版集团——培生教育出版集团组织一批长期从事英语教育写作的专业作者精心撰写,几经修改润色,语言清新地道,内容紧扣新课标话题,反映社会生活,极富时代特色,其丰富的文化内涵更能拓宽学生的视野。高中学生完全能在老师的指导下,利用现有的英语语言能力去欣赏和体味英语语言的魅力,享受一段愉快的阅读体验,逐步增强英语学习的兴趣。2.创造课程连接,便于课堂操作高中分册共有20个单元,保证每学期每周至少一个单元的阅读量;每单元4篇文章,高一(下)每篇文章字数一般在300~400之间,高二(下)每篇文章字数一般在350~400之间,信息容量大,在扩大学生的词汇量的同时,提高词汇的复现率;文章均体现科学性、知识性、多样性和趣味性,篇目按照长短难易度顺序排列,每篇文章均安排了建议阅读时间,便于教师控制阅读课堂的节奏和进度。


  《快乐进阶:中学英语阅读欣赏(新课标6级B·高1下)》所有文章均由英方教育专家根据中国学生英语语言学习特点度身打造,语言地道标准,内容妙趣横生。中学生可尽情体味原汁原味的优美英语,提高阅读能力,全面提升英语语言修养。  国内首创,真正将国外原创内容和国内英语教学实际紧密结合,回馈全新的阅读体验。权威推荐,名校名师精心编写习题,教育专家倾力推荐。  紧扣教学实际巩固所学知识,篇章内容与新课标话题项目同步,紧密配合教学进度要求,全面贯彻新课标和中、高考对中学生英语阅读能力的要求。  理念超前注重英语能力突破,提高文化素养,培养自主学习能力,实现英语综合能力质的飞跃;练习实时演练阅读策略,把脉中、高考命题趋势。  寓教于乐,选文包罗万象,契合时代潮流,中学生可在全面提高英语能力的同时,畅享一段快乐的阅读体验。


Chapter 11.The Five Senses2.Lecture Notes on Optical Illusions3.Our Wonderful Senses4.Obituary for Ludwig van BeethovenChapter 21.Animal Senses2.The Odd Things that We Do to Feel Better3.Easy Guide to the African Safari4.Animal CamouflageChapter 31.Money for My School2.A Back pack Trip on the Alps3.Animals that Save Livas4.Which Sense Is the Most Important?Chapter 41.Communication in the Animal Kingdom2.The Tower of Babel3.The History of Communication4.Unusual Means of CommunicationChapter 51.English Words from Chinese2.Adapted Piece from Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll3.English Can Be Very Confusingl4.My Fair LaayChapter 61.Writing a Pldy2.Etiquette of Different Cultures3.Esperanto4.Interesting Marriage CustomsChapter 71.The Natural Wonders of the World2.Great Love Stories of Ancient Kings3.Letters about Ancient Rulers4.The MythsChapter 81.Walking Tour Around Paris2.A Lost Civilization3.A Stotr from Pompeii4.The Renaissance in Europe and in ChinaChapter 91.Being a Teenager in 20802.Quotes about the Past and the Future3.Adapted Piece from 1984 by George Orwell4.Creation Story of the InuitChapter 101.Advertisements for Courses2.Different Occupations3.Public Service Advertisements4.A Career in AdvertisingChapter 111.Heroin Has Ruined My Life!2.Richard Branson.Intemafional Businessman3.Find the Perfect Job!4.Would You Like to W0rk in Radio?Chapter 121.Magazine Advertising2.Where to Go in Cambridge3.Titanic——-More Than a Love Story!4.Citizen JournalismChapter t31.All about the Olympic Marathon2.Atalant a and Hippomenes3.Profiles of Olympic Competitors4.How I Train as an Olympic SwimmerChapter 141.Surf the Snow This Weekend 12.Tony Hawk-the Best Skateboarder in the World3.The Olympics Are Coming!4.Can You Be Smart and Sporty?Chapter 151.So You Want to Run a Marathon?2.A Petition3.Whats the Right Sport for You?4.A Cycling ChampionChapter 161.From Fiction to Fact2.Talking Animals:a TV Pro gramme Proposal3.The Day of the Triffids:a Book Review4.Science MysteriesChapter 171.Solar-Powered Phone Charger2.Making a Difference3.The Life of a Rubber Car Tyre4.Carbon-Free ShoppingChapter 181.Smart Clothing2.Going to Mars3.My New Eye Implant4.Great GadgetsChapter 191.Dear Carol,I Need Advice 12.What a Week!3.A News Report from Indonesia4.Lord of the Flies:A ReviewChapter 201.How to Play Cluedo2.A Notice Beside a Zoo Enclosure3.Cleopatras Last Moments4.Providing Accommodation in BeijingAnswer Keys


  On Monday,Wednesday and Friday,I use the gym. My coach tells me which exercisesto do.He watches my movements and sets a limit to what I should do So that I don’thurt myse lf.on Tuesday,Thursday,Saturday and Sunday I go running.I run 5-8km.Irun side by side with my coach. He has been a distance runner,So it is not as difficultfor him as it is for me!My coach also controls my diet;he tells me what to eat and drink .He will ensure that Idon’t put on too much weight-or lose weight. It is important to maintain the correctweight for swimming,especially before a competition.It means that I have to payattention to what I eat aU the time.


  专为我国中学生量身打造的,英语阅读欣赏系列教程。  语言地道、权威推荐、理念超前、提升能力。




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