威廉·布莱克是十九世纪诗人,英国第一位重要的浪漫主义诗人。 主要诗作有诗集《天真与经验之歌》等。
版画1 联合扉页
版画2 卷首插图
版画3 扉页
版画4 序诗
版画5 牧童
版画6、7 飘荡着回声的草地
版画8 羔羊
版画9、10 小黑孩
版画11 花朵
版画12 扫烟囱的孩子
版画13 小男孩的迷路
版画14 小男孩又找到了
版画15 欢笑的歌
版画16、17 摇篮之歌
版画18 神的形象
版画19 升天节
版画20、21 夜
版画22、23 春天
版画24 保姆的歌
版画25 婴儿的欢乐
版画26 一个梦
版画27 别人的悲哀
版画28 卷首插图
版画29 扉页
版画30 序诗
版画31 大地的回答
版画32 泥块和小石子
版画33 升天节
版画34 小女孩的迷失
版画35、36 小女孩的寻获
版画37 扫烟囱的孩子
版画38 保姆之歌
版画39 病玫瑰
版画40 虻虫
版画41 天使
版画42 老虎
版画43 我漂亮的玫瑰树 啊!向日葵 百合花
版画44 爱情的花园
版画45 流浪儿
版画46 伦敦
版画47 人的抽象观念
版画48 婴儿的悲哀
版画49 一棵毒树
版画50 一个小男孩的迷失
版画51 一个小女孩的迷失
版画52 给得撒(Tirzah)
版画53 小学生
版画54 古行吟诗人的声音
增补版画 一个圣像
有些担心,不过还是按时送达。书上有些勒痕,应该是打包时包装所致,书的纸质很好。之前是看了美剧《师祖吸血鬼》里听到了a poison tree,感觉很不错,开始了解威廉
绝对精装 ,比想象中的薄,适合收藏
As is said that, Poem blongs with music.so it has its own musicality. Music is the form where we can get a direct impression and a first hand sensual experience. First, try to read these two poems we can see ,In The Lamb, Blake mainly uses long, vocalic rythem to make the poem sounds more soft, slow,and melodious, like feed, mead, name,lamb,mild,child, etc; thus,i think the lamb is more like the country folk music. Readers feel relaxed and delighted,and obtain a certain inner peace. While in the tiger, blake uses a lot of plosive sounds,like bright,night, symmetry,art,heart,beat, feet. These sounds are short , strong and aggressive,like the sound of those running machines in the factorys, intense and oppressive.
Based on this musical mood ,there build up the two different scenes. The lamb is set in an idyllic rural landscape, while the tiger represents a degerous, complicated, urban night forest that is full of struggles. Actually, this is the image reflection of the contrast between the living environment of the agricultural trandition and the rising industrial era.
Traditionally, most of people worked in the land and made constant contacts with the nature. They planted crops,raised animals, and collected fruits. In a word,their life totally depended on the nature. food was indeed the gift from god, and the gift from the creator. Like the little lamb , god give them life and bid them feed.give them clothing and let them enjoy themselves by the stream and over the mead without worries, dangers. People did show veneration to the world and gratitude to god. They asked: little lamb, who make thee, dost thou know who made thee? They thought to themselves who gave them such a happy life, to whom they beared in mind to give their thankfulness. On the other hand, neither Human activities constitute a challenge to the environment. As human beings have faculties, veneration to the nature,emotion, so there is a limit.
Now comes the enlightenment , the sense and the power of the man was discovered. dominating science and technology, and ,what’s more, even god has been expelled from the material world by Newton’s theories, so for the first time people has no fear for so called condemn of god. They over exploit natural resources,they enslave childrens,they tread on other fellow beings lives. the new living environment ,the isolated urban concrete forest contains a lot of sins, crimes and dangers. The tiger is hidding in somewhere close and is ready to attact at any time.
And in addition,machines are no fresh and bones. They don’t have the capability of empathy. how can people cope with this indifferent exploitation of those running machines? And How can nature cope with this powerful vast production of machines driven by the fearless unsatiable human desires? life is no more leisure than before, people struggles under the accurate time table, working schedules and the pressure of productivity. What on earth is the cause? the poet’s asked: what immortal hand or eye could frame thy fearful symmetry? What the hammer, what the chain, in what furnace was thy brain?
The lamb and the tiger are two poems in different collections, but they do echo to each other at distance. as blake said in the tiger: did he who made the lamb make thee? In the lamb, god is a mild child,tender is his skin and also is his heart. He loves his little lambs, he is innocent and full of sympathy. On the contrary, in the tiger, god is an old man,numb and detached from his creations. how can god on one hand created the tender lamb and on another hand created the cruel tiger to chase after the lamb. And instead of providing his creations a harmonious life, How can the creator just let them compete bloodly with each other.
Chasing out from the country, childern are suffering from slavery, a lot of people are living in the midist of poverty, and london has also long been famous for its foggy weather . New technology didn’t bring a better life but a bigger gap between the rich and the poor. No difference, the innocent, the weak is always the one who serves as the sacrifice. Little lamb, god bless thee, but little lamb is destinated to be the sacrifice of the tiger. through out so many social changes, revolutions, the ordinary people is always the one who pay for tears,pains,and sacrifices.
Comparing this two poems, or from a larger persperctive, the whole collection is blake’s reaction to his contemporary society.
On one hand, through a little piper’s pen,he sings for the nature, for the childhood, for the innocence,because only love ,beauty,human emotion can give people a more tender mind, can call the return of virtues. Songs of innocence is a beautiful beckon,of course, with some light sorrow. On the other hand, he is an old experienced bard who has travelled a lot and has gone through a lot of distress of the life. In front of the sufferings that people are undergoing, he feels sorrowful , he feels hurt a lot . out of such sadness, frustration , He worried, he inquired,and he criticized, hoping to warn the public, to raise awareness of the social degeneration, to lead the people towards the truth, and towards the beauty. For me,songs of experience is a bitter persuation.
I think contemporary chinese people couldn’t identify more with blake’s agony. In the past 100 years the country has gone through super sharp, violent changes. There come and go revolutions, wars, movements. Old trandition is confronting with new foreign culture. A group of people accumulate a great amount of wealth, while the majority sufferes from the worsening environment, unsafe food,poverty,etc. Although hundred years past, people are still experiencing the same anguish as the contemporary of blake. We can see easily worries and perplexity flushes on the internet,in newspapers, poems and other literary works, unknown to what a future the country is rushing to. They worry, they ask, they explore the posibilities of the exit. we can also see that new urban symphony is emerging, singing the rising citizen life. alongside this is the painfulness people have for this old country with so long a history and so vast, beautiful land. they recover strength from the good trandition,and the longlived culture.
some other points:
Experience was considered as one of the causes of man’s corruption by blake.
1.I think it’s because as we grow up , we acquired the social rules and we slowly become restricted by these rules. Well formed men usually dare not to break the limits,thus can not make contact with the transcendental feelings.
2.what’s more, as an adult ,the ups and downs of the life has given us an old, numb heart that we no more want to explore, to feel, to imagine. We’ve lost the infant curiosity to world.
Formal school education was rejected by blake is also because that school is the place where we get those rules ,those moral values. As blake said, the moral virtues are continual accusers of sin and promote enternal wars and domineers over others. For moral sistem is often a tool of a certain class of people to govern,to control the others.
While why imagination and curiosity are so important. Because they link to a kind of liberty. Via such curiosity and imagination, one can never lose the capability to appreciate the beauty of the life and can freely persue such a pleasure beyond moral sistems,social rules. Man can not be measured by rulers and compasses, love ,nature, peace is the instinctive necessity of human beings, is the way to get close to God. So said blake that love the human form divine. And all must love the human form, in heathen, turk, or jew. Where mercy, love,and pity dwell, there god is dwelling too.
威廉 布莱克 (Fonteyn 译)
哪样令人畏惧的手? 哪样令人畏惧的足?
The Tiger
William Blake
Tiger! Tiger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand, dare seize the fire?
And what shoulder, and what art,
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand? And what dread feet?
What the hammer? What the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? What dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?
When the stars threw down their spears,
And water'd heaven with their tears,
Did He smile His work to see?
Did He who made the Lamb make thee?
Tiger! Tiger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eyes
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?