熊月之 等 著 朱绩崧 等
国际友人、海外旅游者来到上海,一定很想知道自己和这座城市有着怎样的渊源。了解上海,亲近上海,融入上海——从打开《上海的外国文化地图(英文版)》开始! 《上海的外国文化地图(英文版)》以地图为引导,人物、故事、文化地标、名宅胜迹,人文习尚、璀璨斑斓,目不暇接。带你寻访之后,会让你觉得,上海,其实离你并不遥远。
IntroductionGeneral PrefaceFrom the Yonder Land across the Pacific Ocean: The Legend of Shanghai and AmericaThose ShanghailandersFrench Memories of ShanghaiThe Russians: A Unique Group of the Foreign Settlers in ShanghaiGerman Architects in Shanghai
Fryer's father had been fascinated with China, but his plans to spend time there had fallen through. Nonetheless, the entire family shared his curiosity about China, and his mother often cooked rice so that the family could easily adjust to life there.The young Fryer read every book he could find about China, and China was often the topic of his compositions. First Stop: Hong Kong In 1860, Frye graduated from college and was sent by the Anglican Church to Hong Kong to serve as headmaster of St.Paul's College. He left England on 10 March 1861 and arrived in Hong Kong on 30 July, after 142 days at sea. Founded in 1850, St. Paul's was an Anglican school, and the ajority of the students were poor children from Hong Kong,Macao, and the surrounding areas. Fryer's primary duties were running the school and teaching English. Desiring to improve his Chinese and study Mandarin, he left St. Paul's and a job he did not relish, and moved to Beijing. There, he became an English instructor at the College of Languages, and became acquainted with politicians like Wen Xiang as well as befriending foreign residents, including the British expats, Sir Bruce and Sir Thomas Francis Wade, and the Americans Samuel Wells Williams and Sir Robert Hart. After two years, he moved to Shanghai where he became headmaster of the Anglo-Chinese School. Showing Skills at the Anglo-Chinese School。 ……
国际友人、海外旅游者来到上海,一定很想知道自己和这座城市有着怎样的渊源。了解上海,亲近上海,融入上海——从打开《上海的外国文化地图(英文版)》开始! 《上海的英国文化地图》以地图为引导,人物、故事、文化地标、名宅胜迹,人文习尚、璀璨斑斓,目不暇接。带你寻访之后,会让你觉得,上海,其实离你并不遥远。本书由熊月之著。