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这是一个经济全球化的时代,各用人单位要求所招录人才能够做到“零适应期”,这对于深居大学象牙塔的“职场土豆”而言可算得上是难上加难。与此同时,职场白领们的英语充电指数亦呈上升趋势。为了满足大学生求职的需求,解决职场白领的英语困境,我们特邀深谙当代大学生求职特点和熟悉职场常用英语的高校商学院年轻教师,精心打造了这本《职场英语口语大全》。本书主要分为“练达求职”、“办公白骨精”和“进阶商务英语”三部分,设置多种职场情景,层层递进,切实满足不同水平读者的需求,体验从入行到修炼成“职场达人”可能遇到的各个环节流程,提高职场英语的沟通能力。 本书以三位主人公Cheney,Ryan和Brtha在职场打拼的故事贯穿始终,让读者能更近距离地进入角色,了解和体验职场中的“那些事儿”,为练就“商务达人”打好语言基础,游刃于职场之中。 为巩固和加深学习,单元后附有“职场词汇”和“职场贴士”环节,提供各类职场有用表达,应对种种实战难题;其目的在于提供一部实战性强、交际性广并紧随时代潮流,学习时尚职场口语的书。 书中所讲的情景故事极其幽默,更贴心设计手绘漫画,让您在快乐中不知不觉提高英语口语。双色印刷,重点突出,学习更有效率,不易产生心理疲劳。 随书赠送朗读光盘,特别邀请外籍资深教师倾情朗诵。更超值赠送《英语闯天下系列》口语跟读软件,听力、口语一网打尽。 囿于编者水平及实际编写时间所限,不足之处难免:恳请学界前辈与读者不吝赐教,特此致谢。
《英语闯天下职场英语口语大全》以三位主人公Cheney,Ryan和Bertha在职场打拼的故事贯穿始终,让读者能更近距离地进入角色,了解和体验职场中的“那些事儿”,为练就“商务达人”打好语言基础,游刃于职场之中。为巩固和加深学习,单元后附有“职场词汇”和“职场贴士”环节,提供各类职场有用表达,应对种种实战难题;其目的在于提供一部实战性强、交际性广并紧随时代潮流,学习时尚职场口语的书。这是一个经济全球化的时代,各用人单位要求所招录人才能够做到“零适应期”,这对于深居大学象牙塔的“职场土豆”而言可算得上是难上加难。与此同时,职场白领们的英语充电指数亦呈上升趋势。为了满足大学生求职的需求,解决职场白领的英语困境,我们特邀深谙当代大学生求职特点和熟悉职场常用英语的高校商学院年轻教师,精心打造了这本《职场英语口语大全》0《英语闯天下职场英语口语大全》主要分为“练达求职”、“办公白骨精”和“进阶商务英语”三部分,设置多种职场情景,层层递进,切实满足不同水平读者的需求,体验从入行到修炼成“职场达人”可能遇到的各个环节流程,提高职场英语的沟通能力。 书中所讲的情景故事极其幽默,更贴心设计手绘漫画,让您在快乐中不知不觉提高英语口语。双色印刷,重点突出,学习更有效率,不易产生心理疲劳。
Chapter1 练达求职Unit 1 Focusing orl Employment Information“见证”招聘Unit 2 Starting Resum@of CV简历“启动中”Unit 3 Interviewin9面试进行时Unit 4 After the Interview面试结束Unit 5 Signing an Errpbyee Coritract签定劳动合同Chapter2 办公“白骨精”Part l 加入上班族Unit l Shoppin9购物Unit 2 Ea0ng in Daily Ufe El常餐饮Unit 3 Joint Flat拼房Unit 4 TranspoYdn9日常出行Unit 5 Getting to Know New Colleagues初见新同事Unit 6 Making and Receiving Phone Cals电话联系Unit 7 Inquiring about Working Requirements询问工作要求Unit 8 Staff Training员工培训Part 2 办公室里的那点事儿(一)Unit l Invitation邀请客人Unit 2 Receiving Guests有朋自远方来Unit 3 Receiving Guests at the Airport机场接客户Unit 4 Reservation预订客房Unit 5 Welcorring the Guests欢迎客户Unit 6 Dining with Guests宴请客户Unit 7 Visiting the Company参观公司Unit 8 Shopping wm the Guests陪客户购物Unit 9 Sightseeing with lhe Guests陪客户观光Unit 10 Farewell to the Guests送别客户Part 3 办公室里的那点事儿(二)Unit l Assigning Tasks分配任务Unit 2 Dealing Wth Letters处理信件Unit 3 WritJng E-mail书写电子邮件Unit 4 Arranging Business Activities安排商务活动Unit 5 Preparing a MeeUn9准备会议Unit 6 Holding a Meetin9开会Unit 7 Managing Files管理档案Unit 8 Sending and Receiving Fax收发传真Unit 9 Talking about Office Equipment谈论办公设备Unit 10 Chatting with COIleagues和同事调侃Unit 11 Appologies and Replies道歉与应答Unit 12 Thankin9感谢Unit 13 Compliments and Congratulations赞美和祝贺Unit 14 Requestin9请求Unit 15 Encouragin9鼓励Unit 16 Suggestions建议Chapter3 进阶商务英语Part 1 商务准备Unit 1 Registering G00ds商标注册Unit 2 Advertisement广告策划Unit 3 Market Survey市场研发Unit 4 At a Trade Fair在商品交易会上Unit 5 Appointment双方约定Unit 6 In Negotiation谈判现场Unit 7 Compiling Contract Terms拟定合同条款Unit 8 Signing Contract签订合同Unit 9 Taking Part in Showing Fair参加展示会Unit 10 Promotin9推销Unit 11 After-sales Service售后服务Unit 12 Establishing the Relationship建立客户关系Part 2 商贸实战Unit 1 Enquiry询盘Unit 2 0ffer报盘Unit 3 Counter Offer还盘Unit 4 Bargainin9磋商价格Unit 5 0rder订单发送Unit 6 Ternls of Pavment付款方式Unit 7 Packagin9货物包装Unit 8 Delivery送货Unit 9 Shipment运输货物Unit 10 Comity Inspection商品检验Unit 11 Complaint Letters&Claim Letters投诉信和索赔信Unit 12 Returning Goods退货Unit 13 Agency代理Unit 14 E-commerce电子商务
(Bertha reminds Mr Brown of the waking time and gives him gift before he leave. ) Bertha: So you are leaving tomorrow, Mr Brown? Brown. Yes, time flies! Bertha: Its a pity you are leaving so soon. Brown: Well, life is just like that! Bertha: Now, before you leave, wed like you to accept this little present as a souvenir fromChina. Brown: Well, this is certainly a surprise, and what a lovely gift! Thank you very much. Bertha: Im glad you like it. I hope you have enjoyed your stay in our city. Brown: I certainly have. I shall never forget the days spent in China. Bertha: By the way, dont you think you should ask for a wake-up call? Brown: Sure. Bertha: Then, Ill let the attendant know. Its very late. I think youd better rest now. Then see you tomorrow. Brown: See you tomorrow. (At the airport. ) Brown: Bertha, its very nice of you to see me off. Bertha: Its my pleasure. How many pieces of luggage do you want to check? Brown: Only one suitcase. And this small bag I will take as a carry-on baggage. Bertha: Oh, thats easy to manage. Brown: Well, my flight is now boarding. I must go now. Thank you for everything you have done for me during my stay here. You have been of a great help. Bertha: Im delighted that I am able to help. If opportunity offers, you are welcome at any time, and you can come with your wife next time. Brown. I hope I will come again.
学英语就要无法无天,要天不怕地不怕 ——许国璋 模仿英美人的语音语调,但不必一味追求洋腔洋调,重点应放在发音正确。吐字清楚,表达自然,大胆张口,有时不免背诵,以至自说自话 ——胡状麟 说英语一不要怕犯错误,二不要怕别人笑话 要争取一切机会讲英语,和外国人讲,和同学讲,和同事讲。实在没办法的时候和自己讲,例如,可以把自己想说的话录下来,然后再放出来自己听。 ——胡文仲
《英语闯天下职场英语口语大全》主要分为“练达求职”、“办公白骨精”和“进阶商务英语”三部分,设置多种职场情景,层层递进,切实满足不同水平读者的需求,体验从入行到修炼成“职场达人”可能遇到的各个环节流程,提高职场英语的沟通能力。 求职三人行,从职场莱鸟变为商务精英,现在就用实务大步跨进外企的大门! 现代外企职员人手一册必备秘籍