

北京教育科学研究院 编 外语教研





北京教育科学研究院 编  




  《高中英语写作——书面表达》是为适应北京市高中英语选修课程的需要而编写的一套英语写作基础教材。通过系统的写作技能训练,培养高中学生的英语写作意识和写作习惯,引导他们逐步掌握一些最基本的写作技能和写作方法,提高书面表达能力。  为加强本教材的针对性和实用性,我们在编写时一方面认真研究了国家教育部制订的《普通高中英语课程标准》及高考英语学科的考试说明,另一方面综合考虑了目前高中英语教学的实际。  《高中英语写作——书面表达》的编写具有以下几大特色:  一、遵循功能教法的主要原则,吸收结构教法的可用因素,采用话题和功能相结合的训练手段,既注重书面语言的准确与规范,又注重思想表达的连贯与得体,使学生能够接受系统训练和提高书面交际能力。  二、以英语原文为主要素材。力求取材广泛实际,与学生水平相当,与学生水平相当,内容贴近日常生活,形式适合高中学生的心理特点。在体现科学、系统训练的同时,注意将思想性、知识性和趣味性渗透其中。  三、在内容编排上遵循由浅入深、循序渐进的原则,并以弹性的层次安排,兼顾不同水平学生的要求,因而既适用于普通高中,也适用于职业高中、中专、中技等各类学校。  四、以文体教学为单元,以螺旋型安排为进阶体例,在具体训练上安排了一系列便于操作的写作练习。其目的是使学生在学完每一部分内容后都能初步掌握一种文体的写作方法。  五、共两册,每册按文体分成四部分:叙事文、描述文、应用文和说明文,书后配有词汇表。另外,每册书还各配有《辅导用书》一册,内容包括教学目的、教学参考与练习答案,既可为教师提供教学指导,又可为学生提供自学辅导。  《高中英语写作——书面表达》第二册由首都师范大学英语系穆林华、北京语言大学外语学院英语系陆薇二位副教授编写,其中穆林华老师负责编写第一、二部分,陆薇老师负责编写第三、四部分。首都师范大学英语系杨传纬教授对全书进行了审订。另外,此次教材修订,陆薇老师负责第二册全书的修订工作,美国耶鲁大学Jenny zhng参与了部分范文的编写及部分稿件的审阅工作,首都师范大学英语系孙明华同学参与了教材部分插图的电脑制作。北京教育科学研究院苑玉台老师负责本套教材的组织编写和修订工作,审阅了书稿并提出了许多宝贵意见。




Module One Narrative WritingUnit OnePart One Get Started:Never Trust a StrangerPart Two Learn to WriteA.Composition focus:writing with experiencesB.Sentence focus: building up the sentencePart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HomeUnit TwoPart One Gel Started: A Trip to the MountainsPart Two Learn to WriteA.Composition focus: thinking before writingB.Sentence focus: building up the sentence with phrasesPart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HomeUnit ThreePart One Get Started: No RegretsPart Two Learn to WriteA.Composition focus: finding ideas for writingB.Sentence focus: varying the simple sentencePart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HomeUnit FourPart One Get Started: Dont Take Me Away!Part Two Learn to WriteA. Composition focus: selecting ideas for writingB. Sentence focus: the negative sentencePart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HomeUnit FivePart One Get Started: John LennonPart Two Learn to WriteA.Composition focus: writing an outlineB.Sentence focus, joining words with the conjunctionPart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HomeUnit SixPart One Get Started: A Long Time AgoPart Two Learn to WriteA.Composition focus: preparing for writingB.Sentence focus: avoiding the sentence fragmentPart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HomeUnit seven Students Workshop(Ⅰ)Module Two Descriptive WritingUnit EightPart One Get Started: Our MonitorPart Two Learn to WriteA.Composition focus, finding ideas for writingB.Sentence focus, joining sentences with the conjunctiorPart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HomeUnit NinePart One Get Started:An Interesting PhotoPart Two Learn to WriteA. Composition focus: writing the outlineB. Sentence focus: avoiding the comma-spliced sentencePart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HomeUnit TenPart One Get Started: The Jack-o-lanternPart Two Learn to WriteA. Composition focus: writing the outlineB. Sentence focus,avoiding the run-on sentencePart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HomeUnit ElevenPart One Get Started, Making Fried ChickenPart Two Learn to WriteA.Composition focus: writing the firstdraftB.Sentence focus: forming "when" clausesPart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HomeUnit TwelvePart One Get Started: Doing Push-upsPart Two Learn to WriteA. Composition focus: writing the first draftB. Sentence focus: forming "why" clausesPart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HOmeUnit ThirteenPart One Get Started. The Lincoln MemorialPart Two Learn to WriteA. Composition focus: revising the first draftB. Sentence focus: forming "who-which-that" clausesPart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HomeUnit FourteenStudents Workshop (Ⅱ)Module Three Practical WritingUnit FifteenUnit SixteenUnit SeventeenUnit EighteenUnit NineteenUnit TwentyModule Four Expository WritingUNit Twenty-oneUNit Twenty-twoUNit Twenty-threeUNit Twenty-fourUNit Twenty-fiveUNit Twenty-sixUNit Twenty-sevenVocabulary




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